Trim Limit setting. 20deg?


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 12, 2019
Just re-installed my MC1 sterndrive on the boat. The Trim-sensor was just a dummy (also no gauge in the boat).
But there was a Trim-limit switch that was "bridged". So would like to put it back as it should.
I read somewhere that a 20° - 25° angle is the max you should go while boating (to prevent damage on the U-joints).
Is this correct? Meaning should I adjust the limit switch to this angle?

And how do you then bridge this switch when boat is on trailer? Or do you also try to limit the angle to about 20deg? I read some raise to higher position. But I'm worried for damaging the bellows.....

PS: Is there a big added value to have/install a Trim-gauge + sensor?

Thanks for the feedback

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
I think it's closer to 4 degrees per u-joint.

So on a double card on joint, +8 up to -8 down

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
you know there is a specific dimension called out in the manual to set the trim limit to.


Apr 20, 2014
Just re-installed my MC1 sterndrive on the boat. The Trim-sensor was just a dummy (also no gauge in the boat).
But there was a Trim-limit switch that was "bridged". So would like to put it back as it should.
I read somewhere that a 20° - 25° angle is the max you should go while boating (to prevent damage on the U-joints).
Is this correct? Meaning should I adjust the limit switch to this angle?

And how do you then bridge this switch when boat is on trailer? Or do you also try to limit the angle to about 20deg? I read some raise to higher position. But I'm worried for damaging the bellows.....

PS: Is there a big added value to have/install a Trim-gauge + sensor?

Thanks for the feedback
Re the trim gauge having grown up with boats that didn’t have them or current boats were non functional or inaccurate I wouldn’t waste the time to install it.

You end up trimming based on load number of people and how smooth the water is so no gain in my opinion

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
I think the A1G2 dimension was 21.5

The MC1 has a different measurement. Refer to the manual