Trim limit and sender...

Road Head

Seaman Apprentice
Feb 9, 2006
38 not work, grrr!!<br /><br />Up trim button does not work (trailer button does). Gauge shows trim to be all the way up and does not move.<br /><br />As far as I can tell, my options are to bypass the limit and dont be stupid, or to go get it fixed (which wont be cheap).<br /><br />What I am wondering is, is there another way? Has anyone come up with an aftermarket set of limit and sender switches, not necessarily related to the location of the stock ones. It seems like as many people that have these switches, and as much of a pain they are, that some company would have designed a better aftermarket part.


Vice Admiral
Oct 19, 2003
Re: Trim limit and sender...

I don't know of any "short cut" to keep from buying new trim limit and sender switches and wires. I personally would just go for option #1 - bypass it and "don't be stupid." :p If you're not sure you can "be sensible" then go ahead and buy some new switches.
May 1, 2006
Re: Trim limit and sender...

I just had the same problem with my '96 Alpha One Gen II. After chasing wires with my meter I traced the problem back to the limit and position switches. I also did a search of this forum for the problem (big help), and found Don S's link to the trouble shooting guide.<br /><br /> <br /><br />I inspected the wires at each sender (port=limit, starboard=position). The insulation on the wires at each sender was broken and exposed the wires. I took each apart (turn the drive to get to the screws) and there was enough wire for each lead to shorten and reconnect. <br /><br />All works good now, may not be your solution, but it was an easy inspection and fix. Took about an hour. Repack the switch with di-electric grease to prevent water/corrosion intrusion on the switch after you have it apart, too. I metered the wires and leads after the fix in all drive positions to see if I had a broken wire through the transom, all checked out fine, so I'm comfortable that I've solved the problem for a while.

Road Head

Seaman Apprentice
Feb 9, 2006
Re: Trim limit and sender...

chili-cat, thanks for the suggestion. Thats a great idea. I wasnt sure if they could be taken apart or not. Its worth a shot anyways, and cheap/free fixes are always nice. I would like to fix it, but if i can get it to work for the summer, and then fix everything in the fall, that would be ideal. Otherwise, I will just use the bypass and dont be stupid method.