trim guage fluctuating


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 23, 2005
Last time out my trim guage on my Alpha I Gen II drive started flipping up and down. The guage never went to full down although the drive tilt and trim were all the way down.

I checked the fluid and it was fine. Should I start my checks on electrical or the hydraulic and mechanical system itself?

All my connection are tight and clean around the pump.


Mischief Managed

Lieutenant Commander
Dec 6, 2005
Re: trim guage fluctuating

It's likely the sending unit that's faulty. It's on the starboard side pivot point of the drive, under a round, black plastic cap that's held on with two SS phillips head screws. Mark the cap carefully before removing it, then mark the white disc under it carefully before removing it, then look on the underside of the white disc to see if it has some dirt or corrosion. Maybe a little cleanup and some dialectric grease will get it working again. Re-assmble using the marks you made to put things exactly as they were before.