Trial Run....


Supreme Mariner
Jun 21, 2007
Took the motor to the water on the weekend for a test run, worst weekend ever, lol. Bearing on trailer wheel blew apart first of all, had to change axle on the side of the highway since old bearing seized up on shaft, :( Finally got to the water and the motor was difficult to start under load, starts much quicker on the muffs, considering PP then tried spraying some wd 40 into the large red umbillical cord plug and she fired. Only problem is overheated pretty quick at idle while loading her up, so I pulled her back on the trailer. It got to the red zone after about 5 minutes at idle and was much too hot to the touch. Ive changed the impeller, t stats, I feel like Im not getting enough water though so will be dropping lu tomorrow to check the intake and water line for obstructions. The water discharge nipple at the back of the exhaust for spent water was plugged, removed nipple and still very weak spurt of water. Guess I should also check on the head gasket eh?? I retorqued all the head bolts b4 going to the water and noticed they were a few pounds undertorqued.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 21, 2007
Re: Trial Run....

I cant find any mention of this nipple in my original manual, is this a tell tale addition?? I thought it was just a drain from the exhaust cover. I was under the impression all my spent cooling water exited through the exhaust relief just above the water line, the exhaust outlet at the prop


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: Trial Run....

does it have a hose attached to it to the block? if so it's the tell tale. make sure the key is in the impeller. also if you have run it at all without water source the impelller could be toast.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 21, 2007
Re: Trial Run....

Yes TD it has a hose attached to the block. So someone must have added a tell tale. The impeller and key are brand new, that was the first time they saw water, and the impeller housing looked pretty good so I left it. ONly thing i can think of is a block in the water line somewhere, i didnt test it with compressed air or anything. there is a very small stream of water exiting, just not strong at all, so i belileve the impeller is pumping, seems like a block in the line though. Do you think I need to check the cylinder head water deflectors or the head gasket itself, doesnt seem to leak at all.