Transom corner trim


Feb 22, 2022
1989 Spectrum Bluefin 1606

I was out chasing striper all day, my first solo trip since getting this old girl lake ready. Trailering in the dark I had a little oopsie, found I am missing the back starboard side trim piece. I couldn't find it the next day after realizing. It seems I can find a reasonably close looking replacement on ebay for roughly $100. So I am curious if you guys have any advice for me before I do anything.

As you can see in pictures there were 3 rivets on the back that got pulled out, the three rivets on the side were not anchored to anything. I checked the remaining trim, and it is the same, 3 rivets on the back secure, 3 rivets on the side seemingly just cosmetic.

1. How should I re attach a new trim piece? Should I fill these holes somehow?

2. Any cheaper options I may be unaware of for getting a trim piece / what kind of hardware would you use?

Thanks for any advice.20220626_095240.jpg20220626_095249.jpg20220625_112327.jpg20220625_112319.jpg


Feb 22, 2022
hey guys, no thoughts? I don't think that I can get a bolt in there, it seems the old rivets didn't go all the way through the transom? what should I seal the holes in the transom with? just silicone? Im considering just getting stainless screws.