Re: trailer tongue extension
birdgod, folks are recommending solutions for trailers made from structural steel, as almost all boat trailers are. A Harbor Freight trailer is made from folded sheet metal, to achieve a certain price point and shipping weight. Doesn't make it a bad trailer, just not a 'real' boat trailer. That's why the recommendations are more expensive than you wish.
Although your load is very light, you should carefully consider your steps here. Modifying the trailer shifts all the responsibility for any future issues from HF to you. So if your modification gives way and spears a van full of Girl Scouts, HF will say, "Umm, we didn't sell it that way, not our problem" and you'll be on your own. Just sayin'.
If the trailer needs to be farther away from the tow vehicle, you might consider a trailer hitch (receiver) extension instead. They're normally available in 12" and 18" lengths, and attach to the hitch before the ball mount. Using these extensions degrades your allowable tongue weight, but a HF trailer with two kayaks on it won't present any problem there. You might have to extend your wiring harness on the trailer, too... but there are pre-made solutions for that as well.
Good luck and be safe.