Trailer Step


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 21, 2010
Re: Trailer Step

I don't have a step but am considering one. I think they are a great idea. The one I was looking at was more of a walk-way that ran along the tongue of the trailer and was about 24" long. I thought it would be more stable with less chance of falling off since I could plant both of my feet on its grated surface instead of balancing on the tongue.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 25, 2010
Re: Trailer Step

Ive had the walks, and they are great. we are adding one on our current trailer this year...
with walks, be sure to install lock nuts and allow a wee tad of room for the normal and expected bend/flex in the trailer tounge. a super tight bolt down will cause issues, so leave it just a little loose, perhaps adding a nylon washer between the walk way and the trailer frame to provide a little 'slippage' during trailer flex.
the bet ones are the long ones, that extend back to almost over the axles. provideing that you have the clearance so your hull isnt resting on it, they aid a great deal when your in a low water of slight slope ramp condition, where you cant float the boat up to the winch post and just snug it up....


Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2008
Re: Trailer Step

Yes to catwalks. My last trailer had one and I intend to add one to my currant one. Was recently looking at the plastic boards that are being used for deck these days. Thinking that will hold up much better than real wood.