trailer registration

erp sr.

Dec 21, 2003
I am trying to register a boat trailer in California that was originally from Arizona. The first owners lived here in Cal but registered it in Arizona. They are no longer living and somehow it came into the hands of the American Red Cross, then to another owner and then to an non profit organization, all here in Cal. The DMV here is telling me that I must get a bill of sale indicating how the American Red Cross got the boat and trailer. The boat is not the problem, it is the trailer that I can't get registered. Any suggestions of who to contact?

Bob in Calif.

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Nov 4, 2002
Re: trailer registration

Welcome aboard Erp !!!!!<br /><br />A couple of quick questions about the "history" of the transfers of title, kind of in reverse order.<br /><br />Was the trailer most recently registered in California?<br /><br />Did the non profit organization give you the "pink slip"/title that was surrendered to the org., by the donor? If so, was the donor's name on the front of the title as the registered owner, with no lein holder's name in the legal owner's line? <br /><br />Did you buy the trailer in Calif. or Arizona?<br /><br />If you didn't get the pink slip/title from the org, are they a licensed dealer in Calif. or Arizona?<br /><br />What were you given as proof of your purchase/ ownership, prior to leaving the sellers place of transaction?<br /><br />Start with these questions, please and we can go from there. <br /> <br /> ...Bob in Calif...


Re: trailer registration

erp sr.,<br /><br />Being in AZ, I do know that AZ titles boat trailers, but not boats.<br /><br />If you have the title, signed off and notorized, you shouldn't need a bill of sale. The AZ title has the selling price, buyer and seller info., etc.


Jul 15, 2002
Re: trailer registration

Destroy the trailer.<br />"Build a new one"<br /><br />Title as Home Made :) <br /><br />....this is last resort, and only if it looks like it might not be a factory job.

erp sr.

Dec 21, 2003
Re: trailer registration

From what I can tell, the originial owner had reg on boat which was registered in Az but they lived here. Then the next thing is a bill of sale from the Red Cross selling the boat to someone here in CA. then that person 3 years later gave the boat to a non profit org. Nothing on the trailer, just the boat..<br />thanks for any suggestions..


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 1, 2001
Re: trailer registration

If you walk up to the registration window at the local DMV and explain what it is you are trying to do they can explain the process.<br /><br />It usually requires that you get a registered return requested letter mailed off to the previously regstered owner including the required forms, and a letter explaing the issue.<br /><br /> Of course they are not there, so it returns to you and you take it to the DMV unopened to show "nobody was there"<br /><br />then the DMV can process it to you.<br /><br />You may be able to get the forms and directions by calling your

erp sr.

Dec 21, 2003
Re: trailer registration

Well, alls well that ends well. After about six hours @ the DMV and driving here and there, I was given registration for the boat and trailer along with all doc's needed to show that I am the legal owner. Basically, I had to take the trailer to the DMV for a physical inspection and then write a brief summation of how I acquired it. That was it! But I went through 4 different people at the DMV! No one seemed to have the same story of what was really needed. I'm so glad that is over. :D


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 25, 2003
Re: trailer registration

I'm glad that worked out for you. As a coup[le people pointed out there are several ways (not nessarally legal and/or moral) to side skirt this issue, but a (100%) legal regestration is always the best plan. It amazes me how the DMV/government can complicate a simple matter. I realize there are legal reasons for this (and everything is black or white no grey area) but a little common sense could help us out so much. Anyway, glad it worked out for you.

wayne h

Master Chief Petty Officer
Apr 29, 2003
Re: trailer registration

cant you just register it as a "home built" if its under 500 lbs then you should have no problems