Re: Trailer nuts and bolts
The grade just refers to the strength of the bolt, they'll still rust like a sonofa....<br /><br />I've never seen a trailer that had any part of it take the stress the cheapest of bolts wasn't capable of providing. The things are way over built fastner-wise, so if you loose a little strength going to stainless its not going to structurly hurt anything but you'll gain having replaced the bolt for the last time. At least that's how I looked at it. The only ones I wasn't able to replace were the ones on each outboard end of my springs and then that very large bolt that holds the equalizer between the two sets of springs. All the rest of mine are stainless and use the ny-lock nuts, which are also stainless, U-bolts and all. I got them all from
Champion Trailers a good place if you can't get the stuff locally.<br /><br />Thom