Hi,<br />I am new here, and a relitively new boat owner, not quite a year yet. <br />Anyway I have two boats, 13' Sooy hydroplane, inboard, that I am restoring. When I am finished with it I would love to pull it with my 1993 TBird which has a worked engine, upgraded trans, and a lot of my own little improvements. The boat trailer should weigh around 1000lbs with all the necessary racing equipment. Would it be possible to pull the boat safely with my car? <br />1993 TBird IRS RWD<br />3.8L modified v6<br />AOD trans<br />just under 4000lbs with me driving<br /><br />Also, if possible, I would like to use it to pull my other boat. But, not on a regular basis. I have been using my fathers tahoe to move her around. But it would be move convient with having another car to tow with. The boat is a 16' Dixie with a 70hp merc outboard. Estimated at 1800 lbs. <br /><br />Check out some pictures!<br />Hydroplane history page;<br /> http://www.vintagehydroplanes.com/uluakai_y101_history.html <br />Restoration pics, it is a lot farther along then the pictures, but how many pictures of sanding the old wood can you take?<br /> http://www.vintagehydroplanes.com/uluakai_y101.html