Re: Towing with a 2003 Honda CR-V
Sorry but NO..... Plain and simple you would be going over what a team of EXPERTS have destined as safe for the vechicle.<br /><br />Kind of. The team of experts determined what it can comfortably tow to ensure it will clear warranty. At that point they downside everything to that standard. (Brakes, tranny cooler, suspension, etc.) As this is really a car, trailering was pretty much an afterthought. With that said and owning a 2003 myself,(waited six months for a 5 speed), this is a well designed and well built car. It is not a trailering machine, but short trips, light loads, low speeds, no worries. FYI I don't even have a trailer hitch on ours. <br /><br />If you are truely only 300lbs over you will have little problem.. All spec's of this nature have a built in service factor. The design is a uni-body but so are jeeps and I never heard of one torn in half by trailering...<br /><br />Saftey boils down to prior proper planning with a well balanced rig, and an experienced driver not necessarily that you are 300lbs, over rating..<br /><br />Throw all this out if you are greater than 5-600lbs +. It will do it but all above comments apply. Weak spots remain, Brakes (safety) and Transmission (longevity).<br /><br />My humble opinion only..