Re: Too much HP?
It depends on the design and condition of the boat. Usually this forum will allways say to NEVER go above the rating, but I don't agree with that at all. When the rating is made they just use a calculation based on the dimensions and weight of the boat, or something like that, I don't remember, but it doesn't really have anything to do with how well the boat handles at speed or how strong the transom is. My boat, for example, is a Glastron CV-16 rated for 120hp max. I have a 150hp on there and it's been there for 30 years. No problems what-so-ever...except the motor is dead because I forgot the oil.
The majority of other owners of the same boat that I have talked to have 135 or 150hp. It only does 50mph with 150hp, and it is a SPEED boat. I can't imagine what you would do with 120hp or less, wouldn't be good for skiing, wouldn't be a speed boat, wouldn't be a fishing boat...<br /><br />Anyway...if your boat is strong and you don't go WAAAY over the rating, you should be fine, other than insurance reasons. If you're worried about that use the cowling from a smaller engine. I strongly recommend you ask this question at , and see what they have to say about it.