tohatsu tldi water flow question


Jun 22, 2008
hi guys im new here and think this a great forum. anyway i just got a new tohatsu tldi 50 b engine. i noticed that when i flush out the motor with phones i get i very small amount of water that comes out of the telltale. it is not a continuous string of water but more like a slow inconsistant flow.when the boat is in the water and in gear it seems to be a good flow. when i put it in gear with phones the flow is also good. i was just wondering how much of water flow ther should be from the telltale. i know my susuki 9.9 shoot out a strong continues flow of water from the telltale. the flow i am getting from the tohatsu does not seem normal to me .or is it ?
yesterday a nylon potato sack got into my prop at 3600 rpm.and the engine shut down. i took it off the prop and all seemed well. i did 20 miles with the engine afterwards with no problem. could the plastic on the prop have damaged the impeller. all seems well but i thout i should asked since water flow does not seem normal.
another question is does my tohatsu engine have a sensor that will shut the engine down if something gets into the prop.because mine shut down when the sack got into the prop.i hope there is no internal damage to my lower unit .doesnt seem like it though. talk about bad luck eh!! not even 10 hours in use and i already got crap into my prop.
i am taking my motor in for its first service after 10 hours. what exactly is invilved in the first service. the bdealer said he will change the plugs is this nesessary.i thought it was only the oil in the lower unit that was the main concern after the first 10 hours of use.i cant see why he would change the plugs.anyway any info on this engine would be much apriciated.
its a great engine and fuel consumption is very good. i would recamand this motor to anyone. so far so good.
oh by the way i am getting 5200 rpms at wot with three people on board you can say the boat is fully loaded maybe i might be 80 kgs heavyer at this rpm ok or should i consider a smaller pitch i am using a 11.1 x 14 prop.i have a 11.1x 13 also that i kept as a spare. the engine tends to rev to much for my liking with the 13 pitch revs 5900 with the 13 prop. if anyone think it will be better to run at a higher rpm let me know i only want to do whats best for the motor. since i have 2 props 13 and 14 inch. would i get higher fuel consumption with the smaller pitch. thanks for your help guys and happy boating if anyone is interested check out our spearfishing website


Jul 22, 2004
Re: tohatsu tldi water flow question

Your ear muff flusher is leaking so much water that you do not have a sufficient amount cooling the engine. Fix that before you burn the engine up.

Only time and /or inspection will determine how much or if any damage occurred to the impeller.

No, you do not have a sensor that will shut off the engine.

Every individual dealer determines what they really do during a 10 hour check up. Your owners manual tell you what should be checked.

Spark plugs should not need to be changed at 10 hours.

If your boat is turning 5200 with a 14 and 5900 with a 13 that's odd....There shouldn't be over a 300 RPM difference between the two with the same load. Consult with your local dealer, but I would recommend adding a cup to the 13 pitch. Your fuel usage will vary with RPM....Just like in your car.


Jun 22, 2008
Re: tohatsu tldi water flow question

thank you for your help alvin . you are right my muff flushers are leeking a bit of water. i will get it changed as soon as possible. do you think i did damage to the impeller with the nylon sac catching the prop at 3500rpms . is it possible!? i thought it was a bit far fetched but still thought it could be possible. regarding the revs i forgot to mension that the load was less when i tryed the 13 inch pitch prop.ther may have been up to a 200 pound weight difference or 90 kgs. do you think i damaged the lower unit .it seem like everything is fine after travelling about 20 miles at 3500 rpm for about 1 hour.i guess time will tell hopefully all is well .alvin forgive my ignorance but what is a cup that you told me to add to the 13 inch pitch