OK so ive posted several times about my motor, and thanks to the help ive fixed/replaced a good bit of stuff on it. Replaced most of the powerhead gaskets, chipped all the salt out of the water jacket, changed impeller.<br /><br />It now pumps water, but it still doesn't run well. I have fuel to the carb, air intake is fine, and i have spark. It is very hard to get started and if i do get it started it will only run at high rpms with the throttle way open. If i try to slow it down it will just die. <br /><br />The mechanicals look good. What all can i check and look for as far as the topside electrical components go aside from the plug. Is there a procedure to test the coil pack looking black box on the side of the motor? <br /><br />If it were a car id say it seems like the timing is off.<br /><br />Suggestions?<br /><br />Thanks<br />Brian