Tohatsu Electric Start problem


Dec 30, 2008
I have a ('96?) electric start Tohatsu 30 hp with a CMC aftermarket tilt trim. I messed up several months ago when I replaced the battery by accidentally swapping the battery terminals in the dark. The fuse on top of the starter burned up and saved the motor, which I was able to start with no problem after replacing the fuse. I was getting nothing from the tilt and trim.

I verified that the tilt and trim unit was still good by wiring directly to the battery and got the motor to move up and down. This told me my problem was somewhere in the wiring. I also have an aftermarket master on/off switch that halts power from the battery to the lights, bilge, ignition switch, etc.

A fella with CMC Marine suggested that I replace the facgtory relays to the tilt and trim, which I ordered from him. The new relays arrived from CMC today and I replaced them after thoroughly cleaning all the connections. The connections were corroded but I can now read over 12 volts at the connections for each. I was able to get the tilt and trim to work from the switch IF I held the key turned, but ONLY when the battery on/off knob is in the OFF position, which I found peculiar. This may or may not be significant. I turned the switch to ON and then cranked the motor from the key to verify that the tilt and trim would not work while the motor was running. I was only able to work the tilt and trim with battery power to the motor, bilge pump, lights, etc. turned OFF. I then thought the problem might be in the ignition and shifter box, which is also a tohatsu model. I opened the box up to look for corrosion at the tilt and trim switch and saw none anywhere inside the box. I reassembled the box and now I can't get the motor to start with the key, though I can pull crank and can also turn off with the key. The solenoid will click when I push the key and turn to start the engine, but the motor won't turn over. The tilt and trim no longer works in any manner, though I can still verify function by touching either of the wires that go in the top of the tilt/trim unit to the negative battery terminal.

Any thoughts on what went wrong when I opened the console box and reassembled? Is there a trick to the kill switch when you put these things back together? Will a bad ignition switch click the solenoid but not start the motor? What could be the problem with my tilt and trim?

Thanks much.


Jul 22, 2004
Re: Tohatsu Electric Start problem

It sounds like you have merged after your aftermarket trim wiring with your OEM control box and wound up with a short. Your trim has nothing to do with the engine or it's wiring. At no point should any wiring be shared between them. So, re-wire and make sure that your trim is powered directly from your battery, that your trim's switches are independent of any cross wiring from your ignition switch or wiring harness and that nothing is powered off of your ignition switch.


Dec 30, 2008
Re: Tohatsu Electric Start problem

I was registering decent volts after this, but I am currently(started 5 minutes ago) running the engine to charge the battery to make sure that I am not dealing with a drained battery in regards to the motor not starting. I forgot that the battery will run the lights and everything else but still lack power to engage the flywheel. Hopefully, a drained battery is my problem with the motor. I will know soon enough.

As for the wiring not being crossed - I am totally perplexed how the tilt trim was only working at the switch when I had the ignition key turned with power to the motor off. They should not be related, although the power box is the only common link. By power box, I am referring to the on/off switch connected to the battery that was installed because there was something on the boat that was draining the battery when it was out of the water. The lights and motor will not run when it is on OFF, and I didn't think the tilt and trim would run without it either, but...



Jul 22, 2004
Re: Tohatsu Electric Start problem

You got me dawg. Boat's get wired every which way. I have seen crap wired in such a way that it should burn everything up...But, it worked fine. The dead short you had could have weakened some wire somewhere just enough to throw you a curve now. After you get the battery back up try it. If it works leave everything alone and enjoy. If it doesn't, start from the beginning with a completely independent wiring of the trim.


Apr 20, 2008
Re: Tohatsu Electric Start problem

It does sound like a low battery may be sending you off into left field. Assuming the battery is really low, clicking on the master switch (and activating lights or whatever) may take the last of its umph away, preventing your motor from working.

The "click" when you press in on the key is probably the choke solenoid, (assuming this is a push-to-choke control like mine) which doesn't require a lot of power, and so might activate even though the battery is dreadfully low.

I would get a good charge on the battery (maybe with a charger) and then go through everything again. As TG mentioned, you may have had a marginal wiring connection that went south when the power got reversed. But you really can't be sure until you have full battery amps available.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 17, 2008
Re: Tohatsu Electric Start problem

IF the battery was not the culprit then GURU is correct on the wiring.

Most marine ign switches have only one "always hot" leads coming off of them, and two sometimes three "hot on" and "hot momentary" One to the starter and one to the choke for the momentary and then the other that runs other accessories such as lighting, bait pumps etc.

However, some boats have everything other than the motor, choke and trim running directly off of the fuse panel... bilge pump, lights etc.

Obviously the trim motors work.... tracing the wiring back to the switch and however power is supplied will find your answer.

Does your motor have a trim switch on the motor also or just the remote on the controls?

And like GURU, I've found boats wired all kinds of odd ways.... sometimes just had to rip it out and start over (doubt you'd need to do this)

Also when you reversed your battery connection could you have burned a contact in the ign switch so that now you're not getting power from the correct lug on the switch to the control?

As nothing else has changed I'd likely check that first.... then go through the wiring harness.