Tohatsu Backfiring


Oct 31, 2012
6hp 4stroke Tohatsu outboard.
It came off of transom and into tennessee river. The motor had a string attached to it so I was able to recover it in less than 2 minutes.
I have drained and changed out the oil until it runs clear. I drained the carb and put fresh gas into it. Pulled the spark plug, cleaned it and put fogging oil into the cylinder then cranked it a couple of times to get the oil spread around.

Reinstalled the spark plug and try to start it. 80% of the pulls gives no responce, the other 20% causes a little backfire out of the carb. A dirty black oil looking fluid spits out onto the little fuel filter.

Any ideas?

In addition, is there a way to kill the engine if it turns more than 20 degrees to either side when the throttle is at more than idle? Its embarrising, the tiller got away from me and the motor went 90 degrees sideways. The torque of the motor running sideways made it crank itself right off of the transom.


Apr 20, 2008
Re: Tohatsu Backfiring

Start with a Factory service manual, available from any dealer, myself included, and check the motor out well. If it was running when submerged, you may have a bent rod or worse. Magneto key may have sheared as well. Steering friction can be set to hold the motor straight when idling. If the friction mechanism has been over-tightened, it may need repair.