Tohatsu 9.8 starting problems


Nov 5, 2010
I have a Tohatsu MFS 9.8A2 EPUL
I have the service manual

A few weeks ago the battery cable corroded, so I pulled it. Later, not having replaced the battery cable, but wanting to go sailing and needing the engine only to leave and return to the dock, I figured I would just use the pull cord. Because one of the lever cables was loose, I propped open the neutral safety lock with a screw. Engine starts in one pull. Yay!

Upon needing the engine to return to dock, crewman forgets to put gear in neutral (it is in forward), crewman pulls cord and the engine turns over once, then quits. Pull cord is now locked and no amount of messing with neutral lock will help. Indeed, messing with lock just causes the screw to fall into the pull cord housing. Doh!

No engine, no problem: sailed in many times. Hit dock. Hole in boat. Doh! Above waterline. Yay!

Now I think, Okay, fix the battery cable and start engine without pull cord. So, I fix the battery cable, attach, but I get nothing out of the engine. Think battery dead, check. Think dual kill switches, check. However, because the solenoid doesn't even do so much as click I figure it's an electrical issue. Maybe I connected the battery cable to the starter solenoid incorrectly? Nope (didn't have the service manual on me, but I checked when I got home). Given that I didn't have the service manual on me, and not knowing if positive should go starboard to the starter solenoid or the other way round, I switched from positive starboard to positive port. As now to be expected (having looked at my manual), this did not help.

1. Did I damage the engine when it was started in gear?
2. Did I damage the engine when I connected positive to port starter solenoid?
3. Given that the solenoid won't engage - does that signify an electrial issue?
4. The service manual lists 12 electrical issues for Engine Fails to Start in Troubleshooting. The spark plugs are easy to check, the shift lever is now in neutral, lock plates are fitted (these are the u-shaped plastic red keys, right??). However, is there another electrical reason that, from your years of experience, is standing out to be checked next?

Thank you!


Apr 20, 2008
Re: Tohatsu 9.8 starting problems

There are two neutral safeties on the motor: The recoil "jammer" lock mechanism with the plastic pawl, and the electrical neutral safety switch. There is also a neutral safety at the RC box. Once the recoil is thoroughly jammed to the hilt, you may need a screwdriver to clear the pawl. If you ham-fistedly jam the shifter while the recoil is locked up, it's possible to damage the shift linkage. If so, you can end up with the actual gear selection out-of-sync with the shift lever.

In answer to your questions:
1. Probably not, but you may have damaged some safety lock parts.
2. Doubtful.
3. Yes.
4. Start at the beginning:

1. Fix whatever got dropped into the recoil housing so the mechanical starter lock is not jamming the recoil. Verify/adjust the cable (starter lock wire) that triggers the starter lock cam.
2. Verify that the motor is indeed going into and out of gear correctly with the RC lever. Repair any out-of-adjustment, broken or bent linkages, and then confirm the RC shift cable is correctly adjusted.
3. Confirm that the neutral safety switch (operated by the shift lever shaft) is closing when the motor is in neutral, allowing signal to pass to the starter solenoid.
4. Check the 20-amp fuse.
5. Fix the battery cables, and reconnect the solenoid wires to their correct locations. The Starboard lug on the solenoid also feeds the low-current (RC) wiring, via the fuse. If that is not correctly connected, no power will go to the remote key switch, and hence none to the starter solenoid trigger.

Understand that the stop lanyards (you may have one on the motor as well as the one on the RC box) only kill ignition, and have nothing to do with cranking.


Nov 5, 2010
Re: Tohatsu 9.8 starting problems

Thank you very much for your help. One problem solved, one discovered.

(1) Problem solved - bolt that was holding open the neutral lock fell into the pull cord assembly and jammed it.

Problem discovered: 20A fuse blown, corroded, and one of the forks of the fuse broke off in the housing. Can I easily buy a new assembly - fuse and fuse "box"? I don't see a part number for it in the service manual.

Other problem: The bottom of the starter lock wire slips off the end. Should there be something holding it on? There is not a diagram in the service manual showing exactly how this is attached (best id chapter 6 diagram of recoil starter). On mine, it just slides off the a pointy black plastic piece - nothing keeping it there. Now, if the wire is articulated in one way, it will stay attached, but I can't get the cable to stay that way. Do I need a new cable, or a new black plastic bit?

Other question: In searching through my owner's manual for a pretty description of the attachment point at the bottom for the starter lock wire, I noticed that I'm supposed to disconnect the battery cord if the boat won't be used for longer than 3 days. Really? Why? Draining of batteries??

Thank you,


Jul 22, 2004
Re: Tohatsu 9.8 starting problems

Part numbers can be found in the online parts books found at It's a free download.

Draining of batteries??

Yep. also, electrolysis if the boat is in the water.


Nov 5, 2010
Re: Tohatsu 9.8 starting problems

Thanks for the link.

I've looked over the parts catalog several times and I'm still left with a question.

I understand where and how the Starter Lock Cable connects at the top.

I do not understand how it connects to the bottom (some plastic bit) that is then linked to the control lever. I see from the parts diagram that there is an o-ring (ref # 10-6, part # 3C7-03271-0) - is that what holds it secure? An o-ring?

Thank you,


Apr 20, 2008
Re: Tohatsu 9.8 starting problems

Yes. A small yellow o-ring is the retainer. I keep them in stock all the time.


Nov 5, 2010
Re: Tohatsu 9.8 starting problems

Received new parts - yellow o-ring and complete fuse assembly.


1. Need the part that the yellow o-ring slips onto, but I cannot find it in the catalogs. Does anyone know this part number? Thee end of this part snapped off at some point - so the o-ring has really no where to fit.

2. New fuse assembly installed. The solenoid engages (yeah!), but the engine makes a clicking sound when turning over. The batteries are full. I can see that the starter is turning as is the driven pulley, but it doesn't keep going. Any ideas??

Thank you,


Apr 20, 2008
Re: Tohatsu 9.8 starting problems

3V1662250M SHIFT ROD LEVER $6.70. Installation will take some patience, as the shift lever itself slides into it, and is retained by a cross bolt.