This is doubtless a mechanical problem. I hope someone can steer me toward the source of it:<br /><br />This outboard starts OK and can rev to high idle (using twist grip/throttle) in neutral. But when I put it in gear, it won't rev any higher, still limited to high idle speed.<br /><br />Seems like it just quit working all at once. I used the motor not long ago and it worked fine.<br /><br />I removed the cowl, looked at the pull start lockout linkage and the drum thing that the throttle cables pull on. I didn't dismantle anything, just tried to spot whatever keeps the throttle away from wide open in neutral. <br /><br />Anyway, I can see some mechanical devices that operate with the throttle and/or gear shifter, but can't spot the limiter.<br /><br />Any help appreciated.