It does it at all speeds, a little less at idle, but some times it will do it and some tines it won't, it doesn't do it all the time, also when it does it I will put it in neutral and it stops but other times neutral doesn't stop it and I have to turn off the engine to make it stop. Please help me with any ideas also when it does the noise it still pumps water,so I don't think it is an impeller but it doesn't not sound like metal on metal.
could it be the flywheel it is the only thing i could think of that i have not checked is there bearings in the flywheel that could go bad
please view videos and let me what it sounds like
could it be the flywheel it is the only thing i could think of that i have not checked is there bearings in the flywheel that could go bad
please view videos and let me what it sounds like