we are a diver team, owner of a Valiant DR600 and an 120 HP carb. of 1999.
Located in the center of France, far from any efficient Tohatsu dealer (and the ones contacted by phone are not aware of engine maintenance), I've few question to ask to the community
As the unleaded is quite expensive here (> 6$ per gal.) and the ethanol E85 quite economic (arround 2$), cruising at full load, it may be interesting to change.
Do you have any feedback on carburation with bioethanol ? Efficiency, mechanic issues, corrosive activity, maintenance...
As the former owner was a mechanic expert, and the motor very punchy, I don't know if it was modified from 120 to 140 HP.
- Is there any impact if we migrate from unleaded 95 to E85 (octane indices from 95 to 102) ?
- Is it possible to check if the motor is in "normal" state or tuned ?
Thanks for any kind of help you are able to provide
we are a diver team, owner of a Valiant DR600 and an 120 HP carb. of 1999.
Located in the center of France, far from any efficient Tohatsu dealer (and the ones contacted by phone are not aware of engine maintenance), I've few question to ask to the community
As the unleaded is quite expensive here (> 6$ per gal.) and the ethanol E85 quite economic (arround 2$), cruising at full load, it may be interesting to change.
Do you have any feedback on carburation with bioethanol ? Efficiency, mechanic issues, corrosive activity, maintenance...
As the former owner was a mechanic expert, and the motor very punchy, I don't know if it was modified from 120 to 140 HP.
- Is there any impact if we migrate from unleaded 95 to E85 (octane indices from 95 to 102) ?
- Is it possible to check if the motor is in "normal" state or tuned ?
Thanks for any kind of help you are able to provide