To spend or not to spend?


Dec 27, 2004
Hello all,<br /><br />I have a 1985 115HP Johnson. One of my thermostats got stuck or i started to replace them. However to get to them i had to remove the exaust manifold. When i took a quick look at the pistons the left side (looking from the back) I noticed major scoring on both of those pistons and light to moderate scoring on the right side bank. I know why this happened because the VRO pump the first time i had the boat failed and of course the horn was broken too. I did get it happy again and had used it all last summer without any problems. Surprising however the comp readings were all around 115 psi (+/- 2). I know i need to rehone all 4 cylinders and replace the pistons and rings. My question to you guys is how much should that cost(assuming that I bring them just the block and heads and let them just hone and install the new pistons)? Is it worth the money? Is there anything else i should know?<br /><br />Thanks in advance.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 3, 2000
Re: To spend or not to spend?

1)Buy good quality parts(OEM whenever you can)<br />2)Replace th 20 year old bearings(even though they look good) Especially the rod bearings(both ends)<br />3)Let a high quality machine shop bore your cylinders to spec.<br />4)install all the parts yourself<br />5)Assemble per the OEM service manual!<br />6)Enjoy your smooth running engine with new found pride of a job well done!<br /><br />If you follow the proper service manual, almost anyone can do this. Rebuilding an engine is easy. Diagnosis is, and always will be, the hard part, and where an experienced marine tech earns his money!