Hello all,<br /><br />I have a 1985 115HP Johnson. One of my thermostats got stuck or i started to replace them. However to get to them i had to remove the exaust manifold. When i took a quick look at the pistons the left side (looking from the back) I noticed major scoring on both of those pistons and light to moderate scoring on the right side bank. I know why this happened because the VRO pump the first time i had the boat failed and of course the horn was broken too. I did get it happy again and had used it all last summer without any problems. Surprising however the comp readings were all around 115 psi (+/- 2). I know i need to rehone all 4 cylinders and replace the pistons and rings. My question to you guys is how much should that cost(assuming that I bring them just the block and heads and let them just hone and install the new pistons)? Is it worth the money? Is there anything else i should know?<br /><br />Thanks in advance.