Kev_79,<br /><br />Thanks for the reply! Is checking the peehole for proper connection to the engine block something I can do. I have already brought my boat home...1 1/2 hour haul from the mechanic. I really don't think he meant to mislead me, I think he was simplifying things for my benefit. I do agree with you that it has a function other than to let me know it is pumping water. What will happen if I keep running it like it is. (I can look around and see the exhaust to make sure it is still pumping, but not as easily as I can see the peehole). The mechanic ran it for an hour and I ran it for more than an hour, but I really want it to work as designed.<br />He said it could be stopped up, maybe a dirt-dobber or something. Will I hurt anything by trying to clean it out with a wire? Is it possible that he did not get it connected internally, and is that hard to connect. I don't see how you get to it. I am not a mechanic by any means, but don't mind taking it apart and checking it...if I am not going to get into a situation where I can hurt something. Its not putting out ANY water at the peehole. I figured if it were clogged, it would probably have some trying to come out, anyway.<br />I really appreciate your help and information! I am new to this forum, so actually replied to my own message instead of replying to you. Sorry.<br />Thanks again! You can email me direct if you want, my email is:<br /><br />Thanks<br />Danny