To Drain or Not to Drain


Feb 24, 2009
Performing a search didn't turn up what I needed to know so I'm posting my question. My 2004 50HP Yamaha is oil injection and even though I use both stabil and seafoam in my fuel, I'm not sure if I need to run the carburetors dry before I store it or not. Even if I don't use my boat every month I pull it out of the garage and hook it up to the flushing attachment and fire it up. The thing that concerns me is that even after I let it run until it dies, I can still repeat the process a couple of more times but I'm not sure if I should do this or not. The question is, is oil still being injected into the cylinders even when running the fuel out? I certainly don't want to run the risk of scoring a piston :confused:


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 26, 2008
Re: To Drain or Not to Drain

I couldn't see that as causing any problems. My first Yamaha I bought in 86, a 90, and always ran it dry. I never touched the carbs in the ten years I owned it and the hundreds of hours I ran it.
I always used stabil or seafoam, however.
This motors fuel line is hardwired, without a disconnect, so I am unable to do that, but considering my past experiences, I think it is a good idea.


Feb 6, 2009
Re: To Drain or Not to Drain

You cant really run them dry,You will still have to open thee drain on bottom of the bowls to get it out.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: To Drain or Not to Drain

If you run the engine that frequently and use SeaFoam as well as stabil, there is no reason to drain it or run it dry. For extremely long periods of storage (6 months or more) then it would be beneficial.


Feb 24, 2009
Re: To Drain or Not to Drain

All the replies sound like good advice to me. I just didn't want to take a chance with this darn ethenol enhanced fuel that we have to run in our outboards today...heard too many horror stories about it. :(


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Feb 28, 2009
Re: To Drain or Not to Drain

I wold run the engine very often to circulate fuel and the stabilizer is a good thing but its not a cure and draining the carbs will not allow all fuel to exit either. here is a link to the stabilizer i have had better luck with


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: To Drain or Not to Drain

Stop worrying about E-10!! Keep the fuel stabilized, run a water separating fuel filter and go boating. We've used the stuff since 1997 and it's simply not a problem. Very old engines or engines with neglegted fuel systems can have some issues after the switch to E-10 but rebuilding carbs with modern parts and cleaning up dirty carbs puts the engine back to normal and it will no longer be an issue.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: To Drain or Not to Drain

Stop worrying about E-10!! Most of what you hear is untrue. Keep the fuel stabilized, run a water separating fuel filter and go boating. We've used the stuff since 1997 and it's simply not a problem. Very old engines or engines with neglegted fuel systems can have some issues after the switch to E-10 but rebuilding carbs with modern parts and replacing hoses with ethanol tolerant types puts the engine back to normal and it will no longer be an issue.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: To Drain or Not to Drain

I have to respectfully disagree with silvertip.
in our area this blend we get simply goes bad rapidly.
I personnaly did a set of F100 carbs,cleaned and drained the tank, pulled a swab through all engine fuel lines and added the full size 10 micron water seperator. refilled the tank and sea trailed the rig.
6 weeks later the customer picked it up and launched it.
all 4 needles were stuck in the seats and all four bowls were badly varnished. we are trying the USA fuel treatment as well as the new stabil for E-10 fuels and the star-tron treatments.
jury is still out but this spring will tell the story.
but for now when our shop is done and the motor is sea trialed we now drain the carbs before placing it on the lot for customer pickup.
my albermarle holds 225 gallons,my seapro 65 and my bass boat 36.
this stuff goes nasty rather rapidly and I hope it doesnt bite me,again.
so its not just my customers that are having issues I have personally had issues.
thats one of the issues with this crazy Ethanol mandate. not all areas start with the same blend of gasoline before the Ethanol is added at the distribution terminal.
what I think is so funny is if ethanol is so wonderful why did the FAA ban its use for aircraft fuels?
its also causing a lot of rubber fuel line issues,couple that with the EPA's new fuel line permeation rules this year will get fun.
rule took effect jan 09 and its now illegal to sell an outboard made after jan 09 with fuel hose not in compliance.
next year our area gets catalytic converters in all stern drive motors except the 4.3 and the 8.1L motors.
this outta be a blast.