Re: to bottom paint or not?
I live in Norfolk and have just been through this drill with a new unpainted boat. There are lots of options and advice, but I went through the paint descriptions on West Marine to understand them, and found it very helpful. I chose Interlux CSC. 21' boat, prime and 2 coats (1 gallon) plus metal paint on tabs and motor bracket = $750. An already painted bottom would be about $400. It's driven by paint costs. However I got a quote from a high-end marine shop for $1,500 but figured it's paint, not setting needle valves.
Yamaha owners manual says don't use copper paint on the hull, either. Everyone does. maintain your zinc sacrifices and switch off your battery.
One issue to look at is whether the boat stays in the water full time or may be out for a couple of weeks at a time, b/c some paint loses its effect if it's allowed to dry. On one of my older boats, which sits in the river for the summer and fall, trailer in winter, but a lot of in and out, I get almost 3 years out of a Micron painting, so the cost when annuallized is not as bad (versus 3 years of $10 car washes per month?)
With what you pay to own a boat, price your time as well. Start to finish: go get your trailer, move boat from mooring, pull up the boat, drive to car wash, wash, back and launch, return trailer to storage and boat to mooring: 2 hours? Is that fun in August?
Paint it and enjoy it.