Re: Tips for converting an old roller trailer to bunks?
i like to just slide my boats off in the yard, if they are not too, big. it is much easier and faster. new brackets, yes.
1/you can lower the tongue to the ground. i would get some 6x6 or old railroad crossties cut the +- 12 inches, now block up the transom.
2/ Raise the tongue of the trailer the back of trailer will drop away from trailer. this is the tricky part. between the cross braces of the trailer block the keel lower trailer, boat will be suspended on the blocks.
(you can now work on trailer or boat, or continue to remove trailer completely.)
3/ pull forward, lift bow again, and reblock i a different place. repeat until trailer is out from under the boat.
4/ to reload, just reverse the procedure.
if you were just working on the bunks, or painting the bottom. you could just do the first 2 steps.