timing 90 90hp force

Jun 18, 2012
hi guys
im trying to time my motor and im not getting anywhere....
ive read all and i mean all posts on the topic...
im not getting any light flash at all. ive tried two different timers and both arent getting anywhere

heres what im doing:
i took all 3 plugs out. i inserted bolts in all 3 spark p0lug boots and grounded them to the engine. i then disconnected the 2 throttle cables. i then put the throttle to WO. i then put the power and negative wires from the timer to my battery and the other read wire to my number 1 plug wire. my friend was jumping the starter while i looked for a flash. NOTHING
My neibour says the motor has to be running but the posts say it dont.....
im lost.......im takiung the kids out to boat later today and afrter rebuilding the motor i never timed it. just put everything back the way it was.
after reading so much on here about melted pistons that i really want this checked. ive ran the boat twice since the rebuild and she runs like a champ by i dont have a rpm gauge to see if im running at top rpm....
What im i doing wrong, and can someone help me please....


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Mar 27, 2009
Re: timing 90 90hp force

Is the ignition switch in the "run" position? Not sure why you disconnected the throttle cable, but that 's not an issue. Are the bolts you inserted into the plug wire boots actually making contact with the metal clip within, and in contact with an unpainted metal portion of the engine?
Jun 18, 2012
Re: timing 90 90hp force

Hmmmmm. I think I'm an idiot...now that I think of it, the ignition key wasn't in the on position...wow...
I'll go ou and try again.....
Thank you so much for ur generous input
Will post back in about an hour
Thanks again friend.
Jun 18, 2012
Re: timing 90 90hp force

Just another question......
How else can I put it into wot without taking my cables off. I tried taking off the little ball link arm that connects the timing arm to the carbs but the black bar down below wouldn't let me put throttle up.( two black bar down below kept hitting them selves and wouldn't allow me to throttle up.
Any thoughts.....

Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: timing 90 90hp force

First off, it will not stay in WOT without the cables connected. Reconnect both shift and throttle cables and put the control handle full forward. Remove the prop for safety. NOW, with the uignition switch on jump the solenoid. Time to 28 degrees BTDC as it will advance about 2 degrees with the engine running.
Jun 18, 2012
Re: timing 90 90hp force

Alright. everything seemed to go well. It was already on the right side mark of the three grouped together. So I guess my reassembly of the motor was bang on.
I took the boat out and I'm getting 30 mph. Rpm are unknown as I don't have a gauge yet.
Is this norm or should I be closer to 35 mph. And if so how do I get her up to 35mph.
The other thing to I noticed is while going threw the throttle slowly from stop to wot, the engine really shakes while going threw 1/4 to half throttle.
I did a few hole shots as tests as per the sticky, and she's perfect.no bog or anything and hit wot without a miss so I'm kinda baffled...
Any thoughts?
Thanks again guys.......

Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: timing 90 90hp force

Yeah! You are on the wrong side. The timing mark should be on the leftmost line. You are at 32 which will not hurt the engine, but factory specs call for 30 degrees running


Jun 29, 2012
Re: timing 90 90hp force

So, are the three marks on the flywheel 28 30 and 32 degrees? with the leftmost being 28?

Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: timing 90 90hp force

Alzheimers speaking! Flywheel turns clockwise so line on left is 32 center is 30 and line on right is 28. Forgive me for being old! LOL