Re: Time and global warming.
20/20 while our meager attempts to add to the green house,if it exists, effects. its mostly the human factor. that factor is we actually think, or many do, that without humans the earth would quit spinning.<br />it spun for millions of years before human life and will most likly for millions after.<br /> one krakatoa or one tambora event and you will see another world famine. those,geologically, were actually relativly minor earth events. tambora killed off thousands in europe and north america and changed the course of political history and most likly will again someday.<br /> I read an article someyears back on the effects of the Mt pinatubo event, very minor in a geophysical sense, that stated it released some 100 years worth of gasses and sulpher acids in a day.<br /> yet the earth actually recovered quite well.<br /> if ya wish to read some actual major events do a bit of googling and read some of the research. yellowstone park is a good place to start.<br /> 600,000 years or so that was a big one, not the biggest but apperently big enough to lay down a six inch layer of volcanic ash in missisipi.<br />will another event like that happen again? you bet.<br /> will it happen today? I hope not as I need to finnish my 115 rebuild by easter. but if it does I guess fishing will be put off a few years.<br />its a known fact the earth is actually cooling, as it cools the shell must contract. as it contracts the core gets hotter.<br />as the core gets hotter and the shell grows cooler it becomes very similar to an egg in a microwave. something has to give, enter the volcano.