Tilt/Trim Pump Leak


Jul 19, 2005
Hi Everyone,<br /><br />The tilt/trim pump for my '78 Mercury 115 HP outboard stopped working a while ago, so i took it apart, cleaned out some white goop that was in the resorvoir, and it now works, with one problem: I am getting a small leak from the bottom of the housing. This condition may have existed before I took everything apart, because the bilge was pretty oily already. However, I did strip out one bolt that holds the valves to the bottom of the motor/resorvoir housing, and had to have a machine shop helicoil it.<br /><br />I was wondering if there is anyway to troubleshoot this kind of issue, and/or whether some "liquid gasket-maker" would work/be appropriate for this situation. The functionality of the pump is fine now, so I definitely don't want to replace the whole pump for the sake of a few drops of oil.<br /><br />Any suggestions would be appreciated.<br /><br />Thanks,<br /><br />Dan


Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
Re: Tilt/Trim Pump Leak

dorchard, there should be a thin rubber round gasket between the resevoir and the pump. In addition to this gasket, I use automotive silicone, and have not had a leak. Make sure you clean up the gasket surface to remove any oil. Smear a thin layer of silicone on the pump, install the rubber gasket and then the resevoir.

Jonh Davis

Sep 10, 2005
Re: Tilt/Trim Pump Leak

Originally posted by dorchard:<br /> Hi Everyone,<br /><br />The tilt/trim pump for my '78 Mercury 115 HP outboard stopped working a while ago, so i took it apart, cleaned out some white goop that was in the resorvoir, and it now works, with one problem: I am getting a small leak from the bottom of the housing. This condition may have existed before I took everything apart, because the bilge was pretty oily already. However, I did strip out one bolt that holds the valves to the bottom of the motor/resorvoir housing, and had to have a machine shop helicoil it.<br /><br />I was wondering if there is anyway to troubleshoot this kind of issue, and/or whether some "liquid gasket-maker" would work/be appropriate for this situation. The functionality of the pump is fine now, so I definitely don't want to replace the whole pump for the sake of a few drops of oil.<br /><br />Any suggestions would be appreciated.<br /><br />Thanks,<br /><br />Dan

Jonh Davis

Sep 10, 2005
Re: Tilt/Trim Pump Leak

I have a 1981,60hp Mercury. Last weekend I had a serioul leak at the bottom of my hydraulic pump. I found the oil comming from a small hole in the bottom of the plate that the hoses connect to. It's not a crack and looks like a machined hole. I have asked a service manager for advice. He is researching it, but he thinks there was a plug of some type there that I can replace. <br /><br />If your leak is from where any of the "O" rings were, My service manual suggests using liquid neopreen as a gasket sealer.<br /><br />Hope this helps <br /><br />John Davis