Tilt Trim 1983 115 Evinrude not working the right way


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 26, 2002
Hi,The tilt and trim on this motor isn't working correctly. It trims up fine the goes to tilt as it is suppose to. It will remain it the up position. When I tilt down the trim pistons go in first and then the tilt piston brings the motor down. If you stop anywheres after Half way it will bleed down. If you run it down all the way it will run down fine. If you trim it back up it will trim fine, and hold. On occaision the trim pistons will come out to meet the down movement but it doesn't seem to slow to trim mode?<br />It was very low on fluid and it was filled IAW the manual. It was run several times up and down. anybody have a clue? It is a internal power trim type.<br /> thanks steve


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: Tilt Trim 1983 115 Evinrude not working the right way

Hi Steve....<br /><br />Sounds like the o-rings on the tilt cylinder piston are leaking through. Could be you have a burr inside the the cylinder or there is some spot that the piston gets to and leaks through. Did you check the manual release for being tight? Probably is. The give-a-way here is the position when it starts to bleed down. I would check the tilt cylinder first. Replacement O-rings are still available.


Jun 15, 2002
Re: Tilt Trim 1983 115 Evinrude not working the right way

Sounds to me like your motor might be sticking on the tilt tube. There should be a grease zirk or 2. Give them a shot of grease.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 26, 2002
Re: Tilt Trim 1983 115 Evinrude not working the right way

Hi I would be leading more to a valve some place internally. The pistons hold at any position on the up stroke but only hold on the down <br />everywhere's execpt the very last couple of inches. I re filled and ran it several more times. The trim pistons come out in the down trim now. But it sill leaks down at the last few inches , but only when starting from up. if you trim it back up it will hold everywhere's.The manual realse is tight for ever! I tryed to get it loose to fill the oil and wasn't able to get it to budge! I got enought oil in to get it up to fill it.<br />steve