Tightening Pedestal Boat Seats

Feb 18, 2009
I am going to apologize first, I don?t know to much about boats yet. I have a 1993 Sunbird Corsair 160 (16.5 bow rider) The drivers seat is loose (Pedestal type), I am not able to tighten it they just spin. I cannot find a way to get at them under the deck. How can I tighten the bolts? Would I be better off cutting off the bolts and replacing them with some back to back lounge type seats? Thanks in advance.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
Re: Tightening Pedestal Boat Seats

I would think if these are your main seats that there should be a backing plate you may have to dig a little deeper.
Feb 18, 2009
Re: Tightening Pedestal Boat Seats

Cool, thank you for the info I ordered the Pedestal Mounting Kit. Now what is the best way to remove the old bolts? Do I cut them off? then I assume I need to fill the old holes, is this correct? the old ones that were cut off are then going to be ratteling around under the floor or is there an easier way to do this?



Petty Officer 1st Class
May 11, 2008
Re: Tightening Pedestal Boat Seats

The easy 'fix'. First - this assumes that the 'bolts' you are referring to are really screws - not bolts. Remove the pedestal by removing the screws. Fill the screw holes with 5200 or similar. Rotated the pedestal base until the new screw locations are between the old, filled ones. Attach base with screws.

Les Robb

Chief Petty Officer
Jun 14, 2009
Re: Tightening Pedestal Boat Seats

Are you sure they are bolts? On a boat that size they would typically be put in with large stainless screws and or the backing plate mentionioned in last thread. If they are bolts they will probably find some little corner or groove and either rust away or if stainless or brass just sit there calmly till someone restores your boat and finds them. Be sure and seal that pedestal, dont allow any water to get in around the bolts or the holes you drill and for sure seal the old holes. Any softness or spongy feeling under and around the pedestal, and did you try and unscrew the bolts or screws by putting a little upwards pressure under the heads.

Good luck and safe boating ya'll
Feb 18, 2009
Re: Tightening Pedestal Boat Seats

Yes they were bolts, looks like the previous owner cut a round hole in the deck about 6 inches. It was full of what looks like great stuff (Foam). I am currently letting it dry and then will probably have to replace the deck. Nice? Thanks for all of the advice. Still wondering why someone would cut a hole in the floor and not water proof it. Any ideas how much it will cost to replace the floor?

Les Robb

Chief Petty Officer
Jun 14, 2009
Re: Tightening Pedestal Boat Seats

Many of the boat owners on this site have asked the same question. I guess it's a lack of knowledge on how destructive water can be to a deck. You might not have to replace the whole deck but you need to find out how much is good and how much rotten. Take a small hammer and pad the end and tap your way around the deck. You should be able to tell what is sound and vice versa. also you can drill a very shallow hole in the deck to just get through the glass into the wood. These can be fillled with resin if you hit solid light colored wood. My deck has two soft spots away from the stringers and I'm going to reinforce them and hope for the best. I have the better block's of foam where it allows the water to drain to the stern but if you have poured in solid foam that's saturated it may not ever dry out with only a 6'' hole cut towards the bow. Wouldn't even venture a guess on cost, depends on the extent of damage. If the foam was something the previous owner put in in that spot and the rest of the deck is solid why not take a 3/4" circular piece of exterior or better yet, marine grade plywood that you have sealed with resin and glued or glassed with screws to the deck and then mount the pedestal to it. The best of luck and hope your fix will have you back on the water soon .