Ticking sound on a 25 hp merc outboard

Apr 20, 2010
I have a 2001 Mercury 2 stoke twin that makes a ticking or clicking sound when running. Any ideas on what it could be?


Jul 18, 2007
Re: Ticking sound on a 25 hp merc outboard

I'm thinking possibly a problem with the neutral lockout mechanism, or the recoil mechanism. If not that, another possibility would be a worn wrist pin. Does the clicking increase or decrease with throttle? If you were really worried that it's a wrist pin going out, you could carefully take a screwdriver and stick it in the spark plug hole one at a time, while moving the flywheel until the piston is just after top dead center. If you can use the screwdriver to push down on the piston and feel a lot of slop in the piston, that's likely it. You should be able to push down on the piston anywhere in it's travel (I'd check it in various places near top dead center) and not move the flywheel or you may have a problem. You may feel a tiny bit of slack, but more than a tiny amount is not good..
I wouldn't expect a bad wrist pin on a 2001 unless someone has run the motor with no oil or too little oil--or an overheat.
It's probably something small.
BTW, I had an old johnson with a bad wristpin that made a ticking sound and although it would run without full power, it had about 1/4 inch or so of slack that you could feel with the screwdriver.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Nov 5, 2009
Re: Ticking sound on a 25 hp merc outboard

Hi Guys,
Right now going thru the same problem with my 97 merc 30HP. Just the other week, while fishing, the motor fired up with no problem.. started to cruise.. and all of a sudden everyody on the boat noticed this "Tick Tick Tick Tick"... Its very constant with the RMP's... and does get more noticeable when you increase throttle near WOT....
At first we thaught i would be the water pump.. The TellTale was clogged at teh time we found the issue wit hhe tick, but i tured out to be just mud stuck in the rubber hose.. so water was still cooling the power head... and also the nose is much more prominant in FWD than N or REV.. and the water pump is submerged.. and also only runs in the single direction.. not FWD N OR REV..
Any Ideas would be great! Thanks All