Throttle trouble


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 4, 2009
I have a 94 Evinrude 25 that has ran fine until I took it out yesterday. On the previous trip I ran the gas tank empty on accident but filled up and kept going fine. Yesterday I got about a mile from the ramp and it's puttered and died. I could start back up and had a slightly rough idle but would die as soon as the throttle was applied. It took a long time to idle back to the ramp and the engine would run for a few minutes then die and run for a few and die and run for a few and die... Today I messed with it for a bit on the water muffs and discovered that it dies unless you use your hand to cover the air intake a little. It reves up fine when the air is restricted which makes me think its not trash in the jets or something. Any help is appreciated.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Re: Throttle trouble

Yes I think you sucked up something from the bottom of the empty fuel tank when you run it completely out. Now you will probably have to clean a carb. Do you have any type fuel filter inline? If not, that would be a great addition to your setup...


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 4, 2009
Re: Throttle trouble

One on the fuel tube in the tank and one in the fuel pump. I took the one in the pump out and it was clean.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 4, 2009
Re: Throttle trouble

Thanks gm280. I cleaned the carb and its running good again. Two adjustment questions to finish up. How many 180degree turns should the mixture screw be turned out. It's at 7-1/2 now. And where should the roller line up with the teeth on this in picture. I think it has to do with the timing.


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Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 4, 2009
Re: Throttle trouble

Anyone know where the marks line up or if thats the screw to back out 3/4 of a turn then fine tune? See above pictures.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 4, 2009
Re: Throttle trouble

Well, I think I've determined after calling a shop that the little roller and the adjustment dial on the cable are for the idle and that the roller is supposed to be lined up with the marks on the plastic stop under the flywheel are for idle speed. So I lined them up and turned in the mixture screw in until it started to run a little rough then backed it out about a half a turn. Engine seemed to idle nicely so I gave it a touch of throttle and it started acting up a little. I backed the mixture screw out a touch more and it smoothed right out. This was on water muffs. He said I may have to bump the idle up a touch when I put it in the water to get it right because putting it in the water with back pressure on the motor may lower the rpms. How does that sound? Anything sound harmful?

P.S. I looked at inline fuel filters today but I didn't get one because they had different ones for different line sizes which I need to determine yet.