i'm in in-processin' to work at a high security site.. <br /><br />first off:<br />i NEVER had to write down my SSI # so many times in my life.. <br /><br />THAT AINT RIGHT..<br /><br /> also accompanied by my driver's license.. <br /><br />SSI should be an never was intended to be a personal ID #.. <br /><br /> i had to give them 4 personal referances..<br />they called everone.. they all called me back ,, an told me they did.. <br /><br />they also told me ,,they asked THEM for two more people they can call..<br /><br />THAT AIN'T RIGHT..<br /><br />they told us on our forms,, to write down A N Y ,arrest records... no matter how small or how long ago..<br /><br />they said ( with a giggle ),, that people pay good money to lawyers to have thier charges ESPONGED... but it doesn't matter ,, it's not esponed from the FBI,,an that's where we go... SO DON'T LIE...<br /><br />in ENGLAND,, it don't make it to the public unless your found guilty..<br /><br />in RUSSIA,,a cop can't make an arrest without a citizen witness..<br /><br />here,, they don't care if your innocent of your charges,, they only care if'n you been ARRESSTED.. <br /><br />THAT AIN'T RIGHT...<br /><br />heck,,there could be a crooked cop..( heaven forbid..!! ) that can/would/could arrest you WEEKLY.. all charges all/where dopped.. and you still have an arrest record ,,'leg' long.. <br /><br />THAT AIN'T RIGHT..