thinking about switching to satellite tv (??)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 30, 2004
I have cable tv right now, but it's getting kinda pricey! One reason why I haven't tried satellite is because I also have hi-speed cable internet, but I want to look into other ways of getting internet service. Anyhow,<br />I'd like to opinions about satellite vs. cable tv if you have tried either them. Which one do you like better? Price? Advantages?


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2004
Re: thinking about switching to satellite tv (??)

For where I live satellite is the only way to go. Basic cable versus basic satellite (direct TV), cable costs about the same maybe a few bucks more. But basic cable here only offers maybe 12 channels. The picture is so much clearer with satellite over our local cable that there is no comparison.<br /><br />I have the TIO digital video recorder from DTV. If offered go with it. It is worth the money!<br /><br />We found that each satellite company has a different set of programs and different channels. Look into that close before you decide. My uncle sells Dish Network and they are great systems too, but for our preferance direct tv had better programming for us.<br /><br />I have had our for about 9 years now. things I like, I can change packages, add movie channels with only a phone call, pay my bill online, rent movies with my remote control, and the TIVO is just amazing. I have had great luck with mine. The only time my service is poor is once in a while in spring and fall with solar flares, and when it rains real hard. The rain didn't bother until I moved my dish, now rain hits it. I am going to deflect the rain somehow and solve that problem.


Vice Admiral
Mar 30, 2005
Re: thinking about switching to satellite tv (??)

1 basic diff. with cable TV you can hook the feed directly to any cable ready TV and tune to any channel. Sat. TV you will need a Sat receiver for every TV set you want to use. Each additional receiver adds $5.00 or $6.00 a month to your cost. Also the modem for sat access is around $500.00 bucks and another $50.00 plus a month in fees.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 24, 2005
Re: thinking about switching to satellite tv (??)

stay away from direct tv's high speed internet... its high cost to get into and the only speed advantage is when downloading huge files. Normal web pages do not load any faster than dialup because of the lag time reaching from sattalite to your dish.<br /><br />If you decide your still interested, my parents have the whole system that i'm sure they would sell to you for half the price of new. It was used for 6 months until they switched to cable.


Re: thinking about switching to satellite tv (??)

Had it-hated it. Too many interuptions, at unopportune moments. Data lost, etc.<br /><br />Went back to cable, for internet too.<br /><br />For some folks, it's the ONLY answer, especailly for high speed internet.<br /><br />Given a choice, I'd go for land line cable.


Aug 14, 2004
Re: thinking about switching to satellite tv (??)

Satellite is great for TV.<br /><br />Sucks for internet.<br /><br />I have cable for internet only.<br /><br />I have had Directv for over 5 yrs and love it.<br /><br />Psssstttt.... if ya go Directv let me know, so i can get the referral! :D


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: thinking about switching to satellite tv (??)

Both main satellite companies are all digital and will soon be all HD.<br /><br />Difference in picture quality is extreme over analog, especially on a HD set.<br /><br />I have DirecTV, but my neighbors who have DISH get just as good service and variety for about the same cost. Both are HDTV capable.<br /><br />I do not use DirecTV internet service. Too much to install, too much per month. I use a local wireless broadband for about half that.<br /><br />DISH or DirecTV for TV, cable or wireless broadband for the net.


Chief Petty Officer
Dec 16, 2003
Re: thinking about switching to satellite tv (??)

I waitting for the new fios from verizon, fiber to the curb, telephone tv and internet all on fiber optic, being installed next month. cheaper too.


Apr 10, 2005
Re: thinking about switching to satellite tv (??)

I have Direct now but when I lived in St.Louis County had cable. The TV picture quality is about the same for either but get more on satellite.<br /> <br />Keep the cable connection for the computer and get vonage for the Phone will work out about the same and get better phone service.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 30, 2004
Re: thinking about switching to satellite tv (??)

Thanks for the opinions. I wish I had the option for wireless broadband, but I don't believe the coer my area just yet. It sounds like satellite tv might be the way to go. I'm wondering what happens if I move though, as far as getting the stuff hooked up in a new house. Is it expensive? It's possible I may move tp another part of town early next year.

one more cast

May 6, 2002
Re: thinking about switching to satellite tv (??)

I went to satellite because it was "cheaper". BULL. basic satellite had more channels then basic cable but I had to pay extra for the local networks and they weren't very local. I hated it and went back to cable.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 30, 2004
Re: thinking about switching to satellite tv (??)

LOL. I feel like John Kerry... I'm flip flopping! It still helps to get everyone's opinion on it, so keep 'em coming. In the end, I'll have to figure out what's the best choice for us. Right now, I pay $125 (too much for how little I watch tv) for a package that includes cable internet and HDTV and movie channels. I could care less about the movie channels, but I would only save $5 or so if I got rid of them.


Jul 15, 2002
Re: thinking about switching to satellite tv (??)

bass...<br /><br />If you move, dish network's policy is: Leave the dish, take the receiver to your new house and call them, they will come out and install a new dish for free.<br /><br />They do this, so whoever moves into the new house already has a dish and the house wired, and might just call them to get new service since it's all in place.<br /><br />Personally, I'd go with cable if it were available just so I could plug into any tv, but if you want anything special, you need digital, and will have a box anyway.


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: thinking about switching to satellite tv (??)

I had cable, went to Directv. My local cable company is a pain, price is high, etc. As far as moving, you can just unbolt the dish, bolt it to the new house, orient it per instructions (it is very easy to dial it in, you just need a second person to make it go faster), and you are all set. Then you call Directv, they change your address, and thats that. I never have interuptions of service, even in the worse storms. The only exception is sometimes snow builds on the dish in a really heavy storm and makes the picture pixelate, but that is very rare.


Aug 23, 2001
Re: thinking about switching to satellite tv (??)

When I moved to this house 7 years ago I called the cable company and they said it would be 3 months before they could come out and hook it up. I was at Best Buy that night and the next morning I was watching the Dish Network. It didn't have local channels but they would come in with rabbit ears. Got sick of that and eventually got basic, basic cable also. Last, after years of dial up I finally got Verizon DSL with MSN premium and were able to get rid of the dedicated phone line (saves $30.00 a month for the phone line and $22.00 a month for MSN). <br /> So now I have;<br /> Dish Network $45.00 month<br /> Verizon DSL with MSN $28.00 month<br /> Basic/basic cable $20.00 month (I think, could be less)<br /> Damn I spend a lot of money on this crap. I am only 37 and I remember being in my 20's before our town even got cable and look at me now.<br /><br />PS Dish Network says to leave your old stuff at your last house (except for your decoder) and they will come out to the new house to install a new dish and wiring for free or something like that. I would call them first but you see the ads all the time.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 18, 2001
Re: thinking about switching to satellite tv (??)

I have DirecTV - picture is outstanding. Next move is HDTV to make it even better. Ditto all the comments about satellite internet - to spendy and not fast enough. My problem is there's no broadband alternative where I live. I'm waiting for the power company to bring broadband over power line.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 30, 2004
Re: thinking about switching to satellite tv (??)

Good to hear the positve comments on satellite. I need to do some research to see who has the best deal, but I think if I switch to satellite, I can save around $30-40 a month. I'd say it's worth a try then!


Jul 19, 2004
Re: thinking about switching to satellite tv (??)

Basscatt -- I am on DirecTV and love it. Especially the 100% digital thing. <br /><br />As far as the internet - there has to be some DSL providers in your area.<br /><br />Sean


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: thinking about switching to satellite tv (??)

You guys need to get kids. I dont have any time for TV. I only get EXTREMLY basic cable cause I hate snowy pictures. 12 bucks a month.<br /><br />Ken


Apr 21, 2004
Re: thinking about switching to satellite tv (??)

I've had kids.<br /><br />They grew up an moved away, and now I have direct tv.<br /><br />I'll keep the TV, thanks. I have a remote control that turns it off when so directed. I never had one of those that worked with the kids!<br /><br />BTW, Directv has the same free deal for moving, and the local channels are $3 a month additional or something. I'm very happy with it.