The clunk on I think a 280C from play in the reverse lock pawls


Jul 10, 2012
The clunk is in the water only, sounds pretty tight on muffs. So my question is how much play is normal? I get a good clunk, but I fish salt in strong current. I think I have about 1/2" back and forth or forward and reverse to the pawls catching.

My drive has hydraulic trim. I've looked at the manual and will figure it out, but just seeing if someone can help with the learning curve on this one. Thanks
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Jul 10, 2012
Re: The clunk on I think a 280C from play in the reverse lock pawls

Never mind, I raised the drive up on a block so I could get a good look. I have the one that wraps around the steering tube, doesn't appear to be adjustable. My rpms are, according to the dash, around 600 and that's the way it sounds too. I'll try to lower them a little more. I've also got two springs on my carb to make sure it returns to idle. So I guess the clunk is stock. Weigh in if you know something on this. I love my boat and want it proper:)
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