The AAF is dead.

Old Ironmaker

Dec 28, 2015
The league didn't make it through a single season. Great product on the field, television contract. How can they go wrong? No paying fans in the seats, simple as that. I have had experience in semi-pro Football. Owners and managers project the number of bums in seats. They will project sales at 30,000 per game to break and once all the friends and families of the team members and a few that want to see what's up and attend a single game the owners look into the stands and they are virtually empty. Nothing worse than seeing 15,000 people in a 75,000 seat stadium. I don't know what a seat cost in that market. I do know folks will not pay close to NFL prices. The CFL is the only other professional football league to survive, just. For years owners have been in the red but still put teams on the feilds. Why? Loss leaders. The millionaire owners use the losses from their CFL franchises to offset taxes on their other businesses. Then they go on TV and tell a talking head that they have a responsibility to the fans and community to field a team. The AAF owners didn't know how to profit from a loss and couldn't afford a pro football team.
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Staff member
May 29, 2003
The Carolina Hurricane owner came to the league and offered to "help" them get through the start-up process. He bought in at $250,000,000.00 Then he blindsided the team owners, coaches, and players by shutting down the league. Not sure if it could have survived if it made it through the last 2 regular season weeks and then the playoffs, but it sure would have had a better chance of surviving.