Thats what they make wheel chocks for


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Dec 2, 2002
A couple of weeks ago I purchased a new (used) motor from a guy about 300 miles from where I live. Got up around 5 in the morning to make this trek so i could be home at a decent time in the afternoon. The trip went well, got home back around 4 or so that afternoon. <br /><br /> I forgot to mention that it was a 120hp outboard. Anyways, when i got home I called a friend of mine to come help me unload to motor and set it on the back of my boat. I had quickly forgotten that just a few hours earlier it took 2 guys every bit of energy to move it a couple of feet into the back of the truck. So my friend (victom) came over and the plan was to carry it off the back of the truck, into the garage (1 car) and set it on the boat. This is about 30 or so feet to the back of the boat.<br /><br /> After quite a struggle we got the motor out of the back of the truck. The next trick was to actually carry it where it needed to go. Keep in mind i have a 1 car garage with just barely enough room to walk around the boat to get to the back end.<br /><br /> Being that it is my motor i volunteer to take the powerhead end. So here we are "tippy toeing" up into the garage squeezing between the boat and the walls. Good thing about outboards is that there are plenty of areas on it to get a good hold. <br /><br /> We finally reach the back of the boat and with a short break decide that the hard part is over, just smooth sailing from here. The outboard has the vise type tighten clamps on the top so that should make it easy. So on the count of 3 it was time to go. One, Two, Three,,,, Up we go. About the time we got the motor up high enough over the transom and the front of the clamps hit the transom, OFF GOES THE BOAT. I did forget to mention that once you get out of my garage there is about a 15-20 degree slope down to the street. So here we are, holding this outboard up in the air watching my boat go down the driveway feeling completely helpless. First thought to drop outboard and run after the boat, but, after moving the boat around a couple of times in the garage I knew that there was no way I could stop the boat. At this point I closed my eyes and waited for the big THUD. That would be the sound of the boat hitting my wifes blazer. Did I mention my wife hates boats? So while my eyes are closed i hear a sraping metal sound. Expecting it to be a thud i open my eyes and the boat had stopped short. We both set the outboard down on the skeg carefully to go out and check the miracle out. When I walked around the front of the boat i could not believe my eyes. It seemed that my kids scooter was sitting in the driveway in front of the blazer and had gotten pushed for a few feet but ended up snagging a crack and wedged the boat so it couldnt move. Who would have thought cracks in the driveway were good,,, and after all of those times yelling at my kids to put there crap away, I am glad they ignored me again. Bottom line, BUY SOME CHOCKS.


Lieutenant Commander
May 27, 2002
Re: Thats what they make wheel chocks for

.. and buy your kid the fanciest scooter they make. He saved you a bundle!!


Jan 22, 2002
Re: Thats what they make wheel chocks for

what a story! sounds like something that would happen to me :D <br /><br />so did you get the boat back in the garage, and get the motor on it yet?


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Dec 2, 2002
Re: Thats what they make wheel chocks for

Yes,,, boat is back in garage, motor is on, and scooter was replaced.


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 27, 2007
Re: Thats what they make wheel chocks for

I always tell my daughter to keep her things out of the driveway. One day I didn't notice and backed over her scooter. It was destroyed (didn't hurt my truck and glad it was only a childs toy and not a child). Thought that would teach her a lesson but you know how that goes.:redface:


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 20, 2007
Re: Thats what they make wheel chocks for

My driveway is pretty steep and while backing the boat up it one evening, another car came up the alley and was blocked until I managed to get out of her way. In a hurry, I leap out and without thinking lower the trailer wheel/jack and un-fasten the hitch lock before sticking the chocks under each wheel. I start cranking and right as it comes up off the ball, the entire boat rushes forward. I was knocked down and the boat banged off the left side of my truck. As it rolled past the truck, it hit our city issued garbage container and pierced a hole in it after the whole thing crashed into my neighbor's fence. Luckily the container absorbed some of the blow as the damage to the fence was mild. My truck got scraped up and it took me forever to pull the garbage can off the trailer tongue and get it turned around so I could re-hook it on my truck.


May 16, 2007
Re: Thats what they make wheel chocks for

scooters can be bad too! my kid left his scooter in the driveway and i didnt see it, well decided to take my mint condition 66 chevelle ss for a spin to the local car show and backed out of the garage... the scooter got cought on the trani cross member and wedged itself , then i hear this WHACK!!! damned thing broke free and the handle bar went right thru the oil pan!!! gatta give it to the scooter company though thats one tuff scooter!!! im sure i would have a different feeling had it stopped my boat! lol just thought id share that one with ya...


Jun 16, 2004
Re: Thats what they make wheel chocks for

I always tell my daughter to keep her things out of the driveway. One day I didn't notice and backed over her scooter. It was destroyed (didn't hurt my truck and glad it was only a childs toy and not a child). Thought that would teach her a lesson but you know how that goes.:redface:

My Dad used to have the same problem with my bike. I was always leaving it behind the car when I was 3 or 4 years old.

One day, as my Dad dropped my Mom, sister and me off at the front of the store one of the employees said is that your car? My Mom was confused and said yes. The employee said you have a bike hanging off the back. My had gotten caught on the bumper of the car and made it all the way to the store, 5 or so miles away.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 23, 2006
Re: Thats what they make wheel chocks for

My Dad used to have the same problem with my bike. I was always leaving it behind the car when I was 3 or 4 years old.

One day, as my Dad dropped my Mom, sister and me off at the front of the store one of the employees said is that your car? My Mom was confused and said yes. The employee said you have a bike hanging off the back. My had gotten caught on the bumper of the car and made it all the way to the store, 5 or so miles away.
A few years back, my younger sister had one of them plastic grocery carts. She left it a few feet in front of moms car. Being a 2500 suburban, it is tall, has a long hood, and therefore a large blind spot. She hits it, AND KEEPS GOING. Well, basically, the cart was crushed, and attached to something underneath the car. She could smell burning plastic that day, but being female, thought nothing of it, even though she new she hit it and didn't check to see if it was still there. While she was backing out of a parking space, a piece come free. She saw it there in the space, and then decided to check under the car. Yep, theres the handle bar, hanging from a mounting bracket for the tranny.


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 3, 2007
Re: Thats what they make wheel chocks for

Speaking of sloping driveways...last year my wife pulled into my garage with my New 5.0litre Mustang and comes into the house and meets me in the living room. I was looking out the front window when i see my Mustang backing out the driveway!!! I thought someone stole my car untill I could see no one was in it! My wife left it in Neutral. And I was in the living room all I could do was watch. The car flew down my driveway, onto the steet up the center curb down across the other side of the street and up my neighbors driveway towards his Ford. I breathed a sigh of releif seeing that it missed the Ford and didn't hit anything but square cubs this far. But then it rolled (now forward) down my neighbours driveway across the street, up the curb , across the other side of the street and half up the other curb finally stopping.

Sports cars weren't ment to be hitting curbs. But man could they roll. Glad my wife doesn't borrow my boat!:)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 20, 2007
Re: Thats what they make wheel chocks for

Kinda off the "wheel chock" subject, but in regards to driveways and wives and parking vehicles....I had just purchased my truck, a Dodge Ram 1500 Club Cab and my wife needed it to pick up a clothes rack or something for an upcoming garage sale. I volunteered to drive, but she wanted to drive the new vehicle.
Soooo, 45 minutes later as I'm watching The Simpsons, I hear the distinct sound of a 5.2 liter V8 revving. Rev, rev, folowed by quiet, rev, rev, clunk, quiet, then the sound of my horn honking. I open the garage and saw a very disturbing sight. She miscalculated the turning radius (her car was a Camry) and smeared the passenger side of the truck against our fence. She tried to back up, turned the wheels the wrong way, and succeeded in compounding the problem. She realized she really screwed it up and panicked, so she gave it another lunge to try and break free. When she heard our fence post splinter, she started crying and honking the horn. She was a nervous wreck and ran inside the house. It messed up my new truck pretty good and it was a real chore trying to dig a broken fence post out. It's funny now, but I don't recall being to amused at the time.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 30, 2007
Re: Thats what they make wheel chocks for

My wife did that too. 2006 GMC Crew cab dually, less than a week old. It was our first new vehicle (or anything close to it). Took it up to butcher chickens, needed the truck to carry coolers. While I was doing the chickens she took the truck into town to go shopping. She decided she needed a dilly bar at DQ and didn't want to wake up the sleeping baby by going inside (I just leave her in the running truck if I can see it). Anyway, it didn't fit in the drive through, and the ABS plastic fender really shattered.

I guess with her crying and all they decided to give her a free dilly bar, but it still cost a few thousand dollars to fix.


Apr 3, 2007
Re: Thats what they make wheel chocks for

Wife took new car THROUGH the garage door. Brake/clutch issue. Car wasn't too bad. The door...well hopefully in it's next life it ended up as a beer can.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 4, 2007
Re: Thats what they make wheel chocks for

I had a 93 F150 4x4 5speed. Areally good truck, but sometimes it wouldnt start. I let my wife take it to work one day, and after work it wouldnt start. she had seen me jump the selonoid to start it once and decieded to give it a try. Well she got it started, in gear, no parking brake. It went about 40 yards down a very steep hill and hit a huge cedar. Pushed the passenger side back 2 1/2 feet. Needless to say, I was less than pleased. Then I realized how lucky I was: She was standing in front of the truck when it started. With the 33 inch tires it would have had no trouble running her over. If it wasnt for her fast reflexes I would have lost my truck and the love of my life.
(no, not my boat-my wife) I still miss that truck though.


May 20, 2007
Re: Thats what they make wheel chocks for

That will snap you into reality.

96 Wellcraft

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 25, 2007
Re: Thats what they make wheel chocks for

I was coming home and driving towards the neighors house. I saw his truck in the front yard and started looking over to see what's up. He was parking his boat on the yard with a for sale sign. Unfortunatley he decided to unhitch the boat before chocking the tires. He had a pretty good grip on it, but it was gaining speed going down the hill. I stopped and jumped out to help, but his wife was able to block the wheels before I got there. We still laugh about it 6 years later.