Texas Title for a Texas Maid


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 6, 2008
I bought a boat from someone a few years ago and have since lost the title that was not transfered in my name. I sent the TPWL the returned certified letter to the original owner for a bonded title and was refused.
I heard you can get a lost title if you sketch the serial number on a piece of paper so I am trying that but cannot find the serial number on my boat. It is a 1965 Texas Maid. Does anyone know where the serial number would be?


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: Texas Title for a Texas Maid

may not be one, were not required until 1972. you could try a homemade title.


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: Texas Title for a Texas Maid

Do you know the old TX registration number? I bought a 63 Texas Maid, abandoned in a marina, from the marina. He supplied bill of sale and affidavit that it was traded in on a new boat. I also provided a rubbing/tracing of the dash plate and inside starboard corner transom plate. No sweat. $60 later got the title and new registration number from TPWD. Funny thing was...after all that I was finishing the restoration and found serial numbers stamped into the outside starboard side of the transom. Don't think the homemade boat route works anymore here in Tejas...thanks to our gr**dy Gov...who likes to collect all the revenue possible through all the state agencies & changes their names regularly so accountability is nil and you're never sure who you're dealing with. If you don't know the old registration number or it's from another state, call the nice ladies at TPWD in Austin...they helped me figure out the process for my boat. What model is your boat...you can figure that out at www.fiberglassics.com. Post some pix, we love pix.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 6, 2008
Re: Texas Title for a Texas Maid

I spent 3 wonderful hours on the phone with the lovely ladies in Austin which led me to where I am............nowhere. The local ladies in Garland were nice but sent me to Austin. I tried doing things right and it seems it has gotten me nowhere. I was thinking about sending in the form to change the name and address on the title. I have the original owners name and address (no longer there), so I wonder if that would work.

I am trying to find out about the company in Arkansas that will buy your boat and then resell it to you so you can get a clean title. Even then they may need a serial number.

I will post some pics soon, I am refurbing this for the second time.......yes I did not do a good job the first time and it sat a looooonnng time.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: Texas Title for a Texas Maid

do you have a relative in Florida or Georgia?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 6, 2008
Re: Texas Title for a Texas Maid

Here are some pics I have so far. Not very good pics but I will take some more and post for you guys. I have learned alot searching this website and I hope I have followed instructions properly.

I believe it is a TM Electra. My wife and I fell in love with it and I have been hard at it ever since. I had it looking decent a few years ago and then our concentration went elsewhere (kids). Now our kids are old enough to enjoy our passion so I am trying to get this thing going.

It sat under an oak tree at a friends house for 5 years and outside here for a few more so all the wood had an opportunity to rot pretty good. I have gutted the back end of this thing and did some more work in the cabin. I want to make sure I do this right this time so I have taken my time and done some research.

I had an aluminum gas tank built so it can go under the deck and installed some foam (no pics yet). The trick was fastening the aluminum tank to the aluminum boat with stainless steel fasteners. I could not locate aluminum fasteners that would work well with what I was trying to do. Nylon washers and 5200 will hopefully do the job of separating the 2. I have a nylon gas connector for the fuel line that should last a while and will build an access panel in the rear to replace if necessary. Before I hear some discussion about building a bomb under my deck I do have a vent line that will go above deck. I am hoping the weight of the tank will help with the nose rising up so much. The front deck is in now so it is pretty much a done deal.

I am always eager for suggestions so please do not be shy (I know you won't)


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Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 6, 2008
Re: Texas Title for a Texas Maid

Here we go again, I took some new pics this morning. Due to the neighborhood houses plopped beside the boat I could not get a good side picture. :) The 10 hr marathon in the Texas 100 plus weather I pulled last week paid off and I jumped ahead. The deck has been resined as well as all the pieces that have been put up. I do not want to take any chances and do not want to do this again.

The foam did not go in as well as planned but it is in for the most part. I think some got under the tank and is blocking water draining from the cabin, not sure how to work on that.

Today the beginning of the rear deck and try to figure how to put the 2 side pieces in. I cannot fasten them in, they must be glued some how, I was thinking epoxy but someone said liquid nail or gorilla glue will work. Sounds too good to be true.

Anyway I appreciate your feedback and I will continue to send pics. Let me know if I should post this on a differnt area.


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Petty Officer 1st Class
May 2, 2008
Re: Texas Title for a Texas Maid

Great looking project, wish I had the patience to go for something like that. I would suggest you do a cut out in the foam in front of the fuel tank and install a bilge pump there, a small one should be fine,500-750, with a large capacity pump in the rear. What little water is left from the front pump will make its way to the rear.


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: Texas Title for a Texas Maid

Nice looking boat. Hope you get the title stuff figured out. If it were mine, I'd consider the re-titling option...like the outfit in Arkansas.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 30, 2008
Re: Texas Title for a Texas Maid

I spent 3 wonderful hours on the phone with the lovely ladies in Austin which led me to where I am............nowhere.

I feel your pain. I've been down that road too. I went with International Title Service - similar to the setup in Alabama. I think I paid $175, but had all the documents in my hands (bill of sale, registration, exemption from title in Alabama) in a week. I took it to the TPWD field office in Houston, and 10 minutes later my 1961 Larson was titled to me.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 6, 2008
Re: Texas Title for a Texas Maid

I think the other state deal is what I will neet to do.

Steve, I had the pleasure to observe your project and am very impressed. you truely inspire me as well as others.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 6, 2008
Re: Texas Title for a Texas Maid

Just a little update on my experience. I called the operation in a different state to see if they can help me and they were ..........................NOT able to help. If TX has a file on the boat they were not able to help.

Sooooooo once again I contacted the nice ladies at our wonderful state office and the frontline person and I went round and round about how I was denied and she was not able to tell me why, because I did have all the documentation. Finally after many attempts to talk to a supervisor she sent me on to one, I explained my story once again and the supervisor told me to send her the documentation and she will look at it. It sounds promising, the boat has not been registered in over 10 years and I think that was the kicker. I will keep my fingers crossed and do lots of praying.
I sent a picture to hopefully pursuade them. What do yall think?


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Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: Texas Title for a Texas Maid

Love the photo with the kids...if that don't sway them, I don't know what to say. The weird part of this is the different, inconsistent treatment they give you. I thought you were wrassling with registering a boat without knowing the old registration numbers. Wrong. I faced the same situation almost and all it took was a phone call to the ladies in Austin. I read them the old numbers, they ran them in the system and told me when it was last registered. Then I downloaded and filled out the forms and sent in my money...a week or so later, new title and registration numbers came in the mail. Go figure. Maybe the clincher was the bill of sale I had from a marina/dealer...who bore the responsibility of collecting the sales tax. I think that's the big Mantra in Austin right now...get every dollar, no matter what. We need a new Guv. Can't wait to see more pix of your project in progress.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 6, 2008
Re: Texas Title for a Texas Maid

Thanks for the support. I am hoping things will go well. There will be plenty of pics.

My next project will include the transom. I have been searching on this and other sites for more information and am a little confused. I have an aluminum boat and I gathered from information (after the fact) treated ply does not work with aluminum. I have replaced me deck with the treated ply but I hope the multiple coats of resin will separate the two.

Seeing I have to replace the transom and will need more wood, I may go with the regulare 3/4 ply and resin heavily. I am confused with the difference of epoxy and resin.

Just a couple of thoughts for the day.


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: Texas Title for a Texas Maid

I redid my TM with 1/2 half-inch exterior CDX ply, painted with a premium exterior latex paint...deck and transom. Two ply panels, cross-grained and glued/screwed together made the transom. Stainless screws on the deck. Mine doesn't see enough water in this desert climate to justify epoxy or resin. The guys on the boat restoration forum can explain the difference and give sources for the best price. Have you put a name on her yet?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 6, 2008
Re: Texas Title for a Texas Maid

Update for the title. I spoke to the nice lady at the place we send alot of money to and she first could not locate my information, after some searching was able to find it. I most certainly did not want to go through sending another certified letter out.
Anyway she told me she liked..........no loved the picture of the kids. I knew that would work. The process would have me get 2 appraisals on the boat (I have the engine hanging with all the cables connected trying to replace the transom right now, besides the trailer needs to have a license) and she told me she will look on the internet and plug something in. All I need to do is get a insurance bond and I am golden. I have my nephew working on that now. Anyway I am feeling pretty good about this so far and hope it works out.


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: Texas Title for a Texas Maid

That's good news. Keep us updated on the boat with more pix as you go along.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 6, 2008
Re: Texas Title for a Texas Maid

Well I did not get anything from my nice lady so I called her and she said she was trying to get my title clean and clear without a bonded title. I hope to hear from her soon in order to get this thing over with.


Apr 10, 2004
Re: Texas Title for a Texas Maid

I just love the kids photo!!!! Good luck!