Texas Maid boat


May 14, 2017
Trying to ID a Texas Maid boat that I just purchased. Not sure of the year or model. Possibly 1969. It has a 1969 40 horse Johnson on it.
​​​​​​Any information would be greatly appreciated.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2005
Go to the unique boat section of the forum, at or near the bottom of this site. Scroll down and see if ™ is listed. If so, ask a responder there. ™ were one of the popular, smaller aluminum boats on the Texas coast when I grew up. Like other riveted aluminum boats of the day, Lone Star (Lone Star State of Texas) being another popular ond up through 24' cabin units. Not much to go wrong other than a rotted transom and some dents, maybe a rivet falling out now and then.

Transom wood replacement is doable...cut away what alum. you need to cut away, replace the wood and take the rig to a certified welder to put the pieces back.

Rivets can be replaced manually, or just covered over with a marine sealer, 3M being the leader in supplying products for that purpose.

A hammer and block of wood can bang out most dents.

Pretty bullet proof boat.


May 14, 2017
Thank you for your response. This boat is 99% fiberglass. No wood to rot away. Can’t post pics here but there are pictures in my idea book if you can see that


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Pix posting help can be found at the Rules link in ny signature at ths bottom of this post

Please dont start duplicate topics about the same subject, the other 2 started today are deleted or closed. This is also covered at the rules link.

Disregard TexasMarks suggestion to re-ask this in the TexasMaid forum. Its not a very active forum which he may not have known, and would be a duplicate topic, which is not permitted.

What nfo are you looking for?

The deck (floor) and transom are both likely to be plywood behind/below the 'glass, and agter nearly 60 years, they are both likely rotten....
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Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Post the length and width, might help ID the model/year....

What does the paperwork say it is?

Depending on the state your in, paperwork can be a bitter pill to resolve, some make it nearly impossible.....


May 14, 2017
Thanx for fixing the other posts. There is no paperwork. 16ft. Long. I believe the model is Bahama. Unknown year. No title. The floor and transom seems to be very solid. It has a 1969 super seahorse 40. Going by that year if I can get it titled. Last registered in 1996.

Old Ironmaker

Dec 28, 2015
Texas Maid, ask the Butler. Sorry I couldn't help it or you. Good luck on your search. Why is it many Men don't like older Women but love old boats and cars?


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2005
We only like old boats and cars if they look and work like (or nearly like) new. Or if it's something we can fix up. None of that applies to older women.

"Or if it's something we can fix up." Exactly what I did last month.

I gave my last boat to the local fire dept. for lake rescue since they had to borrow a boat any time there was a need. I had seen them at the ramp in the past trying to get what they had borrowed started and mine was perfect for their kind of usage on the smaller city owned lake. I thought I was getting too old for the sport.

Fast forward 5 years, and realized at 78 I needed something ekse to do, had a lot of fishing tackle sitting around and missed being out. So I picked up a 17 ½ ' Crestliner aluminum and 115 Merc for a something to do project. Nice to be back, and just look at it sometimes, remembering fond times on the water.

On older women, my wife died after 49 years of marriage. Soon decided I didn't like being alone. I wooed this gem of a gal, gave her an easy 85 on a 100 question "what am I looking for in a woman at my age" mental test and life is good. Haven't figured out the 15 I'd assumed she missed.

Fixing her up? Naw, like what I found as is.....besides she is an Alpha as I and I wanted an equal, not a yes sir mam. That was going on 9 years ago and waiting for our first fight..........wink!


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
How about we stick to discussing THIS Texas Maid boat, leave all else to discuss elsewhere?

Old Ironmaker

Dec 28, 2015
I erased the post as to stick to the subject. A question. Without any paper work here in Canada where boat registration is Federal, there is no way to put that boat in the water legally. Powered by motor or not. Inflatables 8' or less are exempt, I think. That's not to say there aren't thousands unregistered on back lakes where one can only get to by air or sled in winter. Are there States that there is no need to register a boat this size?

Edit: One can register a boat without paper work when buying but it must have had registration numbers and a ID placard on it. It's not a difficult process but frustrating as you have to deal with the Feds and without earlier registration you will never get it legal here.
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