Testing for spark


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 28, 2005
Whats the best way to test for spark? I always hear people say "Test for spark" but I never hear exactly how to do it. Do I pull the plug and crank the engine with the plug wire a few centimeters from the plug? Or instead of the plug should I use the engine block? Also, can I grasp the plug wire while the engine is cranking or will it shock the crap out of me?


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: Testing for spark

You can test the spark fairly easy with a 10 penny nail. Just cut the head off and stick it down the spark plug boot. Using insulated pliers...no need to risk a shock....hold the boot with the pointed end of the nail near a clean engine ground and have some one crank the engine. Newer engines should jump a 7/16 to 1/2" gap with a thick hot spark.<br /><br />Or....check the link below...it shows a homemade spark tester that BoatBouy made. Pretty neet.<br /><br /> http://www.iboats.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=28;t=032627#000018


Chief Petty Officer
Jan 12, 2004
Re: Testing for spark

Here's what I do....I'm sure others have their own method and will chime in.<br /><br />First, yes...there is a good chance that if you grab the plug wire with your bare hand while the motor is cranking, it will "shock the crap out of you". If you need grab the wire, use insulated pliers.<br /><br />Second, I would buy a spark checker from any auto parts store. Typically cost about $5. You can build your own (do a search here...been described several times on the forum), but for $5, I'd go the other route.<br /><br />Remove all spark plugs (won't crank fast enough for a good check if you don't). Attach the spark checker to one of the plug wires, and use a test lead to ground the spark checker to the engine block. Ground all the other plug wires to the engine block with test leads.<br /><br />Have someone turn the engine over while you observe the spark checker. Spark should jump about a 1/2 inch gap and be bright blue. <br /><br />Note that you don't want the spark checker immediately behind one of the spark plug holes. Fuel vapour will be exiting the spark plug holes as you turn over the engine...you don't want a spark to ignite it. That is also why you ground the other plug wires. <br /><br />Some spark checkers allow you to check more than one wire at a time.<br /><br />Good luck.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 28, 2005
Re: Testing for spark

Thanks for the info. I'll look for a spark checker at the parts store.