Temperature question


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 6, 2007
I ran my boat today on the muffs for the first time and let it run for about 25 minutes. The boat got up to temperature about 160-170 on the gauge which is normal. Because the outdoor temps are going to be in the 30's I drained the block and manifold using the blue screws. I noticed the water was hot (duh) Hot to the point where I dropped the block drain plug because it was stinging. Also noticed the maifolds were hot and hard to keep my hand on there for a long time? Risers were not that hot at all. The temp gauge was good and the alarm didnt sound. Is it normal for the water in there to be hot like that? BTW - impeller was changed in the fall and I saw good exhause flow from the back motor.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Temperature question

Is it normal for the water in there to be hot like that?

Ayuh,... Yer Hot water tap at home runs 120?, maybe 140?...

Do you put yer hands under it Steamin',..??

Yes, 160/ 170? water Hurts...


Supreme Mariner
May 7, 2008
Re: Temperature question

The block retains a LOT of HOT water.It's gonna burn.Try touching the oil pan one time or changing it when the motor is hot.The manifolds/risers are cooled by the excess water that isin't used by the motor.
The risers being cooler is just a sign that the pump is doing it's job.The motor needs to operate at a higher temp.Otherwise it's normal.Let it cool.J