tell tale stops - steam comes out


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jan 1, 2006
I have a 4.5hp Merc 2 stroke. It idles with the tel tale coming out fine. Bring revs up some and it is stronger. Bring revs up more and the tel tale stops and steam comes out of the tel tale outlet. I assume that I have spun the impellor - sheared it. Any ideas. <br /><br />Also - I have not changed it before. Its probably about 10 years old and is through prop exhaust. Is the impellor held in by a pin or is is contained a different way in the water pump? Is there much involved in changing it?<br /><br />Cheers mates.<br />S


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 4, 2005
Re: tell tale stops - steam comes out

Like you said, sounds like the inner hub of the impeller is spun.<br /><br />10 years without a replacement? WoW. Well now is as good of time as any to change it. I would replace the whole water pump (ie. housing, gaskets, impeller). Get a manual and change it out. It is still cheaper to by the manual and change the impeller than to take it in to the shop and have them do it. Then you have the manual to do any other maintenance.<br /><br />If this motor has a t-stat replace this while your at it.<br /><br />Good luck