Just started my 81 Johnson 115 last night and fired up just fine. One problem, no stream from the tell-tale. The water pump, housing and all seals were replaced and, yes, I rotated the drive shaft clockwise while pushing on the cup liner and housing.<br /><br />There is water pushing out the center of the prop while running with the exhaust. So having said that here are a few questions:<br /><br />1. Does the water coming out the exhaust (It's a pretty good flow) while running mean that there is circulation through the engine? <br /><br />2. Could it be that just the **** hole, fitting or line is stopped up? <br /><br />3. Anything (hoses, a fitting, etc...) that I can remove for a second to check for proper water flow at the powerhead?<br /><br />4. Does the water flowing from the tell-tale exit the engine before the thermostat or after and could that have anything to do with it?<br /><br />The water pump replacement was so routine and seemed to only go on one way. I used all O-rings, lubricants and hardware supplied with OMC's kit and followed the Clymer's manual to the letter. I've got to believe that it is working properly. Thanks for any help.