I am far from an expert, but I would think that most states would allow you to operate you boat for a specified amout of time. I would think 30-60 days for most.
Google the department of natural resouces/ boating regulations for the state your going to for exact info. But prior answer is correct in that you can operate a boat in another state for a period of time similar to driving a car in another state with out of state plates.
We've had ours all over and never had a problem with temporary use. Also, if you have the annual Corps of Engineers pass, they are honored at any Corps lake in the nation.
Just make sure whatever body of water you take it in doens't have any restrictions like getting it registered for that body of water use. I know Lake George in NY has that rule.
i am new to boats as well as boating and i have jsut purchased my foirst boat so in the middle of researching the ins and outs i looks up the department of natural reasorces for my state (illinois) and according to them if i were to be visiting from a differnat state i would be allowed 60 days from "from the time i crossed into illinois" to register it in illinois so with that being said in your shoes if you were to be visiting for lets say a weekend or even a week or so then i would not worrie about it much but just to be safe as stated above i would just look up the department of natural reasorces for the state that you will be visiting just to make sure