Taking on water Mirrocraft 1985


Apr 15, 2009
I have a 1985, 20’ Mirrocraft. There are three holes in transome. One obviously the main drain plug. Two others just above. Are they plug needed holes or bin drains? One seems to be the exit for the bulge pump. We launched boat for short jaunt, came back and put on trailer. Pulled the drain plug and had a ton of water draining. Had to have over 50 gal of water drain. The two upper holes done seem to be drains. No other holes where the water would be come ing in. Help?


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
What 20ft Mirrocraft?

pix are generally very helpful

Just a guess, but 1 is probably an intake and the other an outlet for a live well or both drains for compartments, anchor locker maybe. But if they are both just above the drain plug, then more likely intake/outlet. Check hoses in the bilge for leaking intake/outlet hoses. All 3 get plugs if you arent using the live well. Intake hole should have a screen on it to prevent garbage plugging the pump, again, if its a live well and you're using it.

Bilge drain outlets below the waterline defeat the purpose. Should be well clear of the waterline and thru the side of the hull not the transom. Thru the side makes it easier for the skipper to look over his shoulder and see if its pumping....

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
bilge discharge is always above the water. most likely its livewell thru-hulls.

your boat being 36 years old means that if it does have a livewell, the plastic tubing and fittings have most likely failed (they last about 15 years and then need to be replaced)