Re: Taking Boat off Trailer
The boat is a 15' Starcraft Kingfisher. I can lift the bow without much effort, so I don't think it is very heavy.<br /><br />I can block the stern with some jack stands or cribbing. The problem is that I can't get anything under the front of the keel that will let the trailer wheels or guide-ons past. The boat is only about 48" wide and the trailer is around 80" with the guide-ons. I need to keep the guide-ons attached, especially after painting the trailer, the brackets that came with them dont fit well and I am attaching a cross brace to hold them securely. Sucks when they spin out of the way instead of actually guiding the boat on!<br /><br />I am doing this by myself, so it really needs to be held well until I can get the trailer out from under it.