Hope someone here can solve my issue. I have a 1988 Mercury 90 hp 3 cylinder outboard, 0B302485. My tach is not working, it is pegged at 4000rpm on the dial and when turning the key to the on position it does not move back to zero like it had in the past. All my gauge lights stopped working also. The only gauge that works is the volts gauge, the light on that however is also burned out. I replaced the bulb in the tach and now the dial lights up when I turn the key to thte on position. I also am not getting the long beep when turning the key to the on position also. I checked the purple wire to the tach when the key is in the on position and there is 12 volts to the tach. My other gauges, trim position, fuel gauge, does not work either. Hope you all have some ideas. I replaced one 5amp fuse that was blown under the dash, but that did not help rectify my issue. I took out the rectifier and tested it and it checked out fine. There is a gray wire that runs from one side of the rectifier to the tachometer, sender. Had to disconnect the battery last weekend because my starter would not stop running after the motor started. Could this have caused my problem? PLEASE HELP