I have found lots of helpful tips on this forum.My question is about a Tachometer.I was rewiring the ground to my gauges and i have them lighting up.The tach does not register RPM.I have a polarity tester(red and green lights stay lit with power,and red only lights when introduced to other (+)current and green for(-)current. I am getting current (with ignition switched on) to this gauge and when I check the post marked send(using the tester)the red and green lights flicker rapidly which I assume they do because of the pulse signal coming from the send wire; this is with engine running and upon throttle.Is it possible that I have the tach pole set wrong or is my gauge most likely bad.The tach needle doesn't move at all.My engine is a 1999 Yamaha c60tlrx.The scope of my question is not only about the tach but also is the flickering on the tester an indicator that the send wire is getting a good pulse? Thanks for any help or suggestions.