I have a Bastracker boat with 1986 50hp 3 cyl. Mariner. I'm having problems with the tach. The range selector in the rear of the tach is set @2. The selector only has settings from #1 thru #4. Is #2 the correct setting?
Maybe a dumb question, but does it sound like it turning 3000 rpm at WOT? I wear a hearing aid but I can tell the rpm's pretty good by the way the motor hums without looking at the tach. Maybe your only doing 3000?<br /><br />Jerry
I'm no expext Jerry, but by the sound of the motor it's turning pretty high RPM's. Any troubleshooting tips I can try before I buy a new tach. Thanks for all the advice.
When in doubt buy a tach and set it for the correct stator poles according to it's docs.<br /><br />Tachs are way cool in getting the rest of it all together properly. <br /><br />-W