I have a 1986 90 hp AETL (Euro designation) meaning A engine block, Electric start, Powertrim and Long leg. No autolube/precision blend. 3 cyl 1140 cc, manual and electric choke butterfly, no enrichment valve.
I have found a couple of repair manuals but none of them cover this motor which have the throttle arm connected to a movable magnete pickup. All manuals show the linkage connected to an arm on the CDI.
engine has nice even compression and start easy cold and warm. Seem to run a bit uneven on idle but I guess most two strokes do. Noticeable drop in rpm if any spark plug lead is removed.
Would like to do a proper link, sync and timing but can’t find the specification.
current setting:
wot timing, 22 deg btdc
idle timing, 10 deg atdc
can anyone confirm?
pickup, a hair between the cam and carb roller on idle. Correct or should it be set by timing?
Is there a specification for the magneto link arm length? Or is it not important and max/min timing controlled by the stop screws?
Flywheel pointer still has factory paint on them and is at #1 tdc.
I have found a couple of repair manuals but none of them cover this motor which have the throttle arm connected to a movable magnete pickup. All manuals show the linkage connected to an arm on the CDI.
engine has nice even compression and start easy cold and warm. Seem to run a bit uneven on idle but I guess most two strokes do. Noticeable drop in rpm if any spark plug lead is removed.
Would like to do a proper link, sync and timing but can’t find the specification.
current setting:
wot timing, 22 deg btdc
idle timing, 10 deg atdc
can anyone confirm?
pickup, a hair between the cam and carb roller on idle. Correct or should it be set by timing?
Is there a specification for the magneto link arm length? Or is it not important and max/min timing controlled by the stop screws?
Flywheel pointer still has factory paint on them and is at #1 tdc.